Victory in The United States Supreme Court!

On June 26, 2008, by a vote of 5-4, The United States Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees a fundamental, INDIVIDUAL right to own a firearm. Voting with the majority were Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Alito, Justice Thomas, Justice Kennedy, and Justice Scalia, who wrote the opinion. Justices Breyer, Ginsburg, Souter and Stevens voted to...

U.S. Supreme Court set to announce decision for D.C. v Heller

UPDATE: Victory in The United States Supreme Court! The U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled to release their decision on the Washington D.C. gun ban case on Thursday, June 26, 2008. This will be a historic decision which will shape gun policy in America for decades. Buckeye Firearms Association will post information as soon as possible, including a complete analysis of the decision and how each...

Op-Ed: The Two Reasons We Must Stop Clinton And Obama

Gun rights advocates considering skipping this November's presidential election should keep two things in mind--the Supreme Court and the United Nations. By Wayne R. LaPierre NRA Executive Vice President Recently, I've encountered some friends who are disillusioned over the political scene. As one recently put it, "The country would be better off with Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton in the White...

It's time to take back California for gun rights

By John Salyers On the verge of what looks to be a solid kick in the gut for Paul Helmke and the Brady Bunch with the upcoming SCOTUS decision in the District of Columbia v. Heller case, Helmke and his minions are certainly not holding back in their celebrations of the ongoing trampling of rights in California. In a June 18th alert pointing people to video of Brady VP of Law and Policy, Dennis...

President Romney in 2012?: What Mitt Should Be Doing Now

By Chad D. Baus I've always been skeptical of election year conversions. When Auditor of State Betty Montgomery phoned to ask my support for a 2006 bid to regain the office of State Attorney General (she had held the office previously), I reminded her of the day she told Buckeye Firearms Association Chair Jim Irvine that she would “never be the candidate of the NRA,”[1] and of the evening she...

President Barack Obama - A Gun Owner's Worst Nightmare

By Dean Rieck If you're not thrilled with the idea of having John McCain as the next President of the United States, you're not alone. He's angered gun owners with anti-gun statements and support for so-called "campaign finance reform," which has done little except limit free speech and curtail grassroots political activism. But would you prefer President Barack Obama? Obama is without doubt the...

Ohio lawmakers: Better to slowly burn a child to death than to shoot her with a gun

By Gerard Valentino Senate Bill 348, designed to add an additional 10 years to a prison sentence if a gun is used to cause injury to or death of a child, was introduced recently by Senator Eric Kearney (D-9). Senators Sue Morano (D-13), Teresa Fedor (D-11), and Capri Cafaro (D-32) have signed on as co-sponsors. The bill, which Buckeye Firearms Association strongly opposes, is another example of...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.