Progress: We can only move forward together

By Tim Inwood In the past four years, gun owners in Ohio have made amazing strides forward. After years of battling for concealed carry, we finally won in 2004. In 2006, we won major reforms with HB347. This year, we not only won the uphill battle for Castle Doctrine but many other important amendments were added that improved what was already a pretty good piece of legislation. We even saw...

Of Mice and Men

By Breda of The Breda Fallacy One day last winter, I pulled on my boots, buttoned up my coat and went out into the snow to fill the birdfeeder. We kept the seed in a large bucket in the garage and when I went to scoop some out to carry to the feeder, I noticed that the supply was running low. It was dark in the garage and even darker in the bottom of the bucket. I tipped the bucket a little and...

Ohio is home to America's "World Series of Shooting Sports"

By Chad D. Baus Each summer, the world's finest civilian and military marksmen and women square off for five weeks of rifle and handgun competition in a variety of formats and events right here in the Buckeye State. This year marks the 101st running of the National Matches, for which so many shooters have embarked on an annual pilgrimage to Camp Perry, Ohio, on the shores of Lake Erie near Port...

Women Are Filling Handgun Classes; Surveys Show Personal Protection A Big Motivator

NEWTOWN, Conn - The old adage, "God made men; Sam Colt made them equal," applies to women, too. Women across the country are packing classes where they learn about all aspects of handgun ownership. One of the main reasons for attending these classes, they say, is to learn more about how to take charge of their own safety. Carol, a thirty-something mother from Connecticut, explained her...


By Breda of The Breda Fallacy They've found a body in the woods. Again. Another missing girl, woman, sister, mother, friend strangled, stabbed, shot, raped, mutilated, dismembered and tossed in the brush, in a ditch, beside railroad tracks, in a dumpster, in the ocean like so much garbage. The details don't really matter. They were all guilty of nothing more than perhaps smiling at the wrong man...

Another one bites the dust: Anti-gun politicians drop out of special election for Ohio Attorney General

By Chad D. Baus In the past few weeks, articles written by myself and Buckeye Firearms Association Legislative Chair Ken Hanson have attempted to sound the warning on storm clouds which were gathering over this fall's special election for Ohio Attorney General, due to the names being floated by both parties - former Senator Mike DeWine and current Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher in particular. This week, it...

What's wrong with fighting back over injustice?

By Karyl Cicanese Fremont News-Messenger Why is our country divided? Apart from political divides there is also a division in our thought process. We live in a time where the conventional way of thinking is to avoid conflict at all cost. If we are attacked by another country, the popular thing to do is to ask, what did WE do to provoke the attack? We train our employee's to surrender if they are...

Governor Strickland signs SB184, Ohio's Castle Doctrine Law

John Hohenwarter-NRA, Gov. Strickland, Ken Hanson-BFA Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman Jim Irvine, Legislative Chair Ken Hanson and several other Leaders were on hand Tuesday, June 10, for the signing of SB184, Ohio's Castle Doctrine Law, by Democrat Governor Ted Strickland. Strickland called the bill “common-sense legislation”, and stressed that it will also clear up ambiguous sections of...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.