Forgotten already? John McCain's 2004 vote for the Clinton Gun Ban

By Chad D. Baus I opposed the ban on so-called "assault weapons," which was first proposed after a California schoolyard shooting. - John McCain, NRA Annual Meetings, Louisville, KY, May 16, 2008 To understand just how insulting this statement was to the intelligence of every NRA member present at this year's Annual Meetings , take a short trip in a time machine with me, back to good ol' 2004...

More proof of Americans support for the individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense

June 6, 2008 Once again confirming what we already know, a recent Harris poll (taken May 5,-May 12, 2008) found that, by a margin of more than two-to-one, U.S. adults believe that the Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees an individual’s Right to Keep and Bear Arms. For regular readers of the Grassroots Alert, the findings come as no surprise. In fact, the Harris poll...

Project "Correct Kimber" letters begin to pour in

Last week, Buckeye Firearms Association Legislation Chair Ken Hanson sounded the alarm on gun manufacturers who continue to aid gun banners , and announced project "Correct Kimber": We, the consumers, must intervene to help save gun manufacturers from their self-destructive habits. Like any other intervention, tough love is needed. “We love you, we love your products and want to support you, but...

It happened here

By Breda of The Breda Fallacy Whenever tragedy strikes, there is always someone who says, "Things like this don't happen here." It gets said so often, it's cliché. It's also a lie. I know it's a lie because a tragedy happened here. It happened in my hometown, in the middle school I went to as a young girl, the same school that is next door to the public library where I work now.

Local shooting classes for ladies only

By Sheri Trusty Fremont News-Messenger As more and more women are becoming aware of the importance of being trained in self defense, many of them are considering becoming licensed to carry a concealed weapon. Often, the biggest challenge these women face is the fear of attending the mandatory basic pistol class with a room full of men. Certified concealed carry training courses are required by...

Another tragic death in a public park

"What's the need to be packing in a public park? What's the compelling need?" - Republican Ohio Supreme Court Justice Paul Pfeifer, April 9, 2008 By Chad D. Baus Lost in the excitement over passage of SB184 (which will, among other things, allow CHL-holders to keep their Constitutional right to bear arms for self-defense while visiting a bathroom in a public park) was tragic news that a woman who...

Op-Ed: A gun owner's glossary for understanding politics and the press

By Peter Bronson Packing heat: Dick Tracy phrase that is found in 90 percent of stories about gun owners, but never used in the real world since 1950. Assault rifles: An ordinary semi-automatic that politicians and mediacrats want to outlaw if it looks like a military full automatic - although it doesn't fire any faster than a common semi-automatic .22 varmint gun. Gun nut: Anyone who owns...

City of Cincinnati: "The laws, like taxes, are for the little people"

Editor's Note: The Cincinnati Enquirer has published an edited version of this op-ed ed, entitled " City should conform to law on concealed carry ". By Jeff Riley "....Only the little people pay taxes." - Leona Helmsley , "The Queen of Mean" It appears that the City of Cincinnati, through their inaction, has updated and revised Leona's original phrase. The law is for you to obey, but not for them.


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.