Governor Strickland tells FOP where to stick it on gun bill; Republicans should do the same

Grassroots pro-gun groups have a bill under consideration in the Statehouse, and elitist union leaders at the Fraternal Order of Police are opposed. Deja vu all over again? Not so fast. Gun owners have reason to hope, because this time around, we have a Democrat in the Governor's office. Yes, you read that on a pro-gun website. GUN OWNERS CAN BE THANKFUL THAT DEMOCRAT TED STRICKLAND IS OUR...

McCain's appearance at NRA Annual Meetings as flat as his record of support for gun rights

"Is it possible that John McCain thinks you have too much freedom?" - NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, 2001 John McCain's closing speech at the "Celebration of American Values" conference at the NRA's 2008 Annual Meetings last Friday was a real clinker, and not just because he was boring, uninspired, unmotivated and talking out of both sides of his mouth. No, I realized how much of a...

Castle Doctrine bill needs your support NOW!

UPDATE: (5.22.08 12:00PM) For the fourth time this month, House Criminal Justice Chairman John White (R-38) has put off a possible vote on SB184, the Castle Doctrine bill. Although a Governor Strickland-, Buckeye Firearms Association- and NRA-backed amendment was circulated before the meeting, White did not give the committee opportunity to adopt the amendment. The Ohio Fraternal Order of Police...

A grandmother's gun

By Breda of The Breda Fallacy Too often I am saddened by stories of women who fall victim to predators and I am left thinking, "If only..." If only they hadn't walked home alone, if only they hadn't trusted the wrong man...if only they'd had a gun so they could have fought back and won. Grim statistics and grisly forensics are often all that's left of what was once a bright future or a beautiful...

City of Cincinnati defiantly flaunts state law

"Our government... teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy." - Louis D. Brandeis By Jeff Riley Regular readers of the Buckeye Firearms site are well aware of crimes occurring in the State of Ohio and local city/municipal parks year after year. Some recent...

Marc Dann resigns amid scandal; Governor should appoint a pro-gun replacement

By Chad D. Baus While it is now quite apparent from the ongoing sexual harrassment scandal that Democrat Marc Dann managed the office of Attorney General poorly over the past 17 months, many Ohio gun owners will no doubt still receive news of his resignation this week some sadness. Thanks in large part to the hard work of Buckeye Firearms Association, the National Rifle Association, and pro-gun...

Big Brother Sam: Wal-Mart to videotape gun buyers

In a recent outdoors column, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review asked if America's largest retailer is getting out of the hunting and fishing business. Wal-Mart may not think so, but that's really up to their customers to decide, now that they have announced a partnership with the anti-gun extremist and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to video-tape and keep records on gun buyers.


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.