Op-Ed: The Democrats and Gun Control

By David Kopel Imagine an election race of Pat Robertson versus James Dobson, each of them appearing at organic grocery stores and Starbucks throughout Massachusetts, with each candidate insisting that he alone deserves the vote of gay-marriage advocates. An equally silly spectacle is taking place these days in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Indiana, West Virginia and Kentucky, as Sens. Hillary...

United States Concealed Carry Association offers solid resource for millions who carry concealed

Founded in 2004, the United States Concealed Carry Association fills a much needed void in the gun community by bringing together concealed carry enthusiasts from all over the country. Until its creation the landscape was dominated by organizations like the National Rifle Association or state level hunting groups. While both have a place in the gun owner community, neither type of group is a...

(Misguided) Mayors Against Illegal Guns

By Gerard Valentino The organization Mayors Against Illegal Guns is in the news again for announcing an ad campaign to raise awareness of how illegal guns are often used in crimes. While everyone agrees that stopping the flow of guns to criminals is of vital public interest, the organizations stated goals are worthy of a “Captain of the Obvious” award. Led by the rabidly anti-gun Mayor of New...

Op-Ed: City of Chicago misfires on gun violence

By Steve Chapman When a rash of gun murders takes place , it makes sense for the police to do one of two things: renew tactics that have been effective in the past at curbing homicides, or embrace ideas that have not been tried before. But those options don't appeal to Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis. What he proposes instead is a crackdown on assault weapons. I'm tempted to say this is the moral...

Colleges ‘N Guns: 2008 intercollegiate clay target championship largest in history!

By Larry S. Moore It seems lately that colleges and guns are in the news. All too much of this news has to do with the variety of deranged individuals who have preyed upon their fellow students on campus. It has to do with the anti-gun community disgusting and rather morbid attempts to turn the death of innocent students into fund raising events. And it has to do with some courageous students...

Armed citizen dials 911 and waits...and waits...and waits...

By Chad D. Baus Gun ban extremists and others who oppose the right of self defense are fond of saying that when a person is in danger, the best thing to do is to call 911 and let the police take care of it. But what happens when you dial 911 and the police tell you to wait...and wait...and wait? One Columbus-area business owner was wise enough to have made his own plans for that very eventuality...

BFA on hand as Gov. Ted Strickland signs bill expanding opportunities for mobility-impaired hunters

Buckeye Firearms Association volunteer Bob Harsanje recently attended the signing ceremony for Senate Bill 209, legislation which will, among other things, create mobility-impaired access lanes on various public hunting lands of the Ohio Division of Wildlife. The bill also will allow mobility impaired, licensed individuals to hunt from such lanes with a special permit via electric-powered all-...

College campuses have never been and never will be Gun Free Zones: It's time to trust the students

By Mark Noble A few days ago, the Dayton Daily News ran a piece proclaiming that "Students for Concealed Carry on Campus is fighting for the right to be armed at school." The reality is that all students have an inherent right to be armed – it cannot be forcefully removed from a determined student. Students for Concealed Carry on Campus are merely pressing legislators to bring their civil...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.