Castle Doctrine to resume hearings in House; "Concealed Carry Fix-it" Bill to receive second hearing in Senate

The House Criminal Justice Committee, chaired by Rep. John White (R-38), will hold a fourth hearing on HB264 (Castle Doctrine), on Thursday, May 1 at 9:30 a.m. in Statehouse Room 121. The chairman has indicated that a substitute bill may be introduced. The Senate's version of Castle Doctrine (SB184) passed the Senate earlier this month with unanimous support. Meanwhile in the Senate, Ohio's "...

The most honest among us: CHL holders can be trusted on campus

The following commentary was written in response to a New York Times article entitled " Guns on Campus: Could They Prevent a Repeat? " by David Codrea. Republished with permission. Interesting take, Mr. Codrea. I have worked on college and university campuses most of my adult life - first as a student, now as a professor. I have grown quite accustomed to the idea of citizen concealed carry. I...

Strict Judicial Scrutiny Needed for Second Amendment

By L. Dietle There has been little Second Amendment jurisprudence. In this vacuum, myths were cooked up and circulated to dilute the Amendment's original meaning. In the March 18, 2008 D.C. vs. Heller oral argument at the Supreme Court, these myths were thoroughly debunked by the Supreme Court Justices themselves. If honest, they will overturn D.C.'s functional firearms ban. They should also...

Compounding a Tragedy: Anti-gunners dance in VT massacre victim's blood

By Gerard Valentino The one year anniversary of the Virginia Tech massacre was celebrated across the United States by the anti-gun crowd. Yes, they chose to celebrate, and it’s telling to see protesters using the death of 32 innocent people for political gain by planning “Lie-ins to Protest Easy Gun.” Nobody should be surprised that the anti-gun left is capable of inconsiderate actions since in...

District Attorney says new Philadelphia gun laws are "illegal"; will not prosecute

By Brian S. Stewart In a move reminiscent of the Cleveland Police Patrolman’s Association's refusal in 2007 to follow Mayor Frank Jackson's order to ignore a new state law creating uniformity of gun laws, Philadelphia District Attorney Lynn Abraham has put the City Council on notice: its new gun laws are illegal, and she won’t prosecute individuals arrested for violating them.

DDN story on Attorney General's armed driver exposes need to eliminate no-guns zones

By Chad D. Baus The Dayton Daily News reported over the weekend that Attorney General Marc Dann authorized his driver, a concealed handgun license (CHL)-holder, to carry his firearm at all times as part of his job duties. Dann's driver, who the DDN reports obtained his CHL in January, immediately began running into a problem that faces every single one of the more than 100,000 Ohio CHL-holders on...

Hillary Clinton is the media's definition of "pro-gun"?

Big City Mayors continue to look for a scapegoat for their crime problem By Brian S. Stewart Hillary Clinton is doing her best to tiptoe around the gun issue during her attempts to win rural votes in Pennsylvania. But even a scaled-down-on-gun-control Hillary Clinton means calls for a renewed crackdown on interstate gun “trafficking” and a renewal of an assault weapons ban. In a recent speech on...

House Committee removes Castle Doctrine from this week's agenda

House Criminal Justice Committee Chairman John White (R-38) has removed Castle Doctrine legislation from this week's hearing agenda. No reason was given in the announcement, but Buckeye Firearms Association has been informed that the reason was a "bill management issue", and that "there will be a hearing in the near future." SB184 passed the Senate last week with unanimous support. The House...


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