Three gun-free zones, three public shootings

Louisiana Gun Free Zone? It is illegal to bring a firearm onto a college campus in the state of Louisiana. All of the defenseless students at Louisiana Technical College complied with the ban. One murderous 23 year-old woman did not. The results speak for themselves. Missouri Gun Free Zone? It is illegal to bring a firearm into a government building or government meeting in the state of Missouri...

Buckeye Firearms Foundation Files Brief in D.C. Gun Ban Case

The police can never be everywhere at once, and simple logic dictates that the one best able to resist criminal attack is the one being attacked. The victim will always be present at the time of the crime; the police will almost never be present, serving instead to respond to the crime after it has happened. The most fundamental rights enshrined in our legal tradition were summarized as the right...

Perfect storm for gun owners? McCain, DeWine and Giuliani join forces

FLASH UPDATE: ROMNEY SUSPENDS CAMPAIGN - "If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror." ----- Author's note: Clearly the events of the day have rendered a few of the...

House schedules two hearings on pro-gun bills

Two pro-gun bills will receive hearings today in the Ohio House of Representatives. The House Criminal Justice Committee , chaired by Rep. John White (R-38), will hear sponsor testimony on Representative Adams' HB225 (Alaska-style CCW) and Rep. Wachtmann's HB264 (Castle Doctrine). The hearing will be held at 11:00a.m. in Statehouse Room 121. Thank you for responding to our call to use our Write...

Senate Committee Cancels Hearing on "Castle Doctrine" Legislation!

Last week our summary of the third hearing for Ohio's critical Castle Doctrine legislation included a note that "it is expected that the committee will resume hearing testimony on SB184 next week." The day has come, but the Senate Judiciary - Criminal Justice Committee has taken this critical legislation off of the agenda for their Wednesday, February 6 meeting. Indeed, with session days waning,...

Watch videos on gun rights and gun control

We've started a collection of videos on guns rights and the gun control debate. It includes the following video of Charlton Heston uttering those famous words that have become the rallying cry for gun rights supporters across America and worldwide. Click here to watch more videos. Help us build this collection of videos. If you have a link to a video you think we should include, contact us.

Gun grabbers' gun violence grade cards; Media ignores trend of higher grades for more violent states

By Chad D. Baus & Dean Rieck The Brady Campaign has released its annual "State Report Cards," scoring the states according to their gun control laws. What is most curious about this ranking is that, once again, there is an obsessive focus on guns rather than on crime. If anti-gun groups talk about crime at all, it's always focused specifically on "gun crime," as if getting killed by a gun is...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.