DDN anti-gun editorial is wrong, no matter how you package it

The following op-ed was submitted by Buckeye Firearms Association's Jeff Riley in reponse to a recent unsigned Dayton Daily News editorial entitled "Gun control fixes must be packaged well" . January 19, 2008 Dayton Daily News By Jeff Riley The basic premise in the Jan. 12 editorial "Gun control needs to be packaged well" is wrong. The problem with the anti-gun side isn't packaging; the problem...

LTE: DDN quotes in anti-gun editorial were selective

The following letter to the editor was submitted by Buckeye Firearms Association's Larry Moore in response to a recent unsigned Dayton Daily News editorial entitled "Gun control fixes must be packaged well" . January 19, 2008 Dayton Daily News Re: "Gun control must be packaged well," Jan. 12: The Dayton Daily News played loose and liberal with the selective quotes taken from an article on the...

Fred Thompson blasts Bush DoJ for ''overlawyering'' D.C. gun ban case

RedState.com is reporting that Fred Thompson wasted no time in condemning President Bush's Solicitor General's request that the D.C. Circuit Court remand the District of Columbia v. Heller appeal back to the trial court for "fact-finding" under a less demanding constitutional standard. From the story: The Fred Thompson for President, South Carolina bus tour reached Spartanburg today, where the...

Op-Ed: Late Betrayal on Gun Rights

By Ken Blackwell Et tu, Brute? In the waning days of the Bush Administration, Justice Department lawyers have filed a curious amicus brief in the DC gun ban case before the US Supreme Court. The attorneys took a middle-of-the-road approach to Second Amendment freedoms. They argued that gun ownership is not a “fundamental” right. Instead, they say, it is a right deserving only an “intermediate”...

The truth about Cleveland’s “Assault Weapon Ban” - Part II

By Ken Hanson and Jim Irvine As we previously reported , Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson recently announced a crime crackdown program that is apparently intended to crackdown on crime rather than guns. This is a welcome change from prior “crackdowns,” and we wish Cleveland the best with their new program. Previously Mayor Jackson, together with his unpaid public relations firm the Cleveland Plain...

Nevada debate: ''Dems beat a hasty retreat on gun control''...or did they?

By Chad D. Baus In coverage of the most recent Democrat presidential debate in Nevada, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and other media claim Democrat presidential hopefuls beat a serious retreat on their support for gun control . Even if true (actual transcripts cast doubt on these claims), does anyone really believe their positions won't revert to form if elected?

Has Cleveland's mayor finally learned that it's about the criminals?

By Ken Hanson The Cleveland Plain Dealer recently reported that Cleveland Mayor Frank “Blame the Guns” Jackson has announced a new crackdown on crime. With skepticism, I dove into the story, only to be astounded with the details. Cleveland has finally launched a crime crackdown that will crackdown on criminals rather than inanimate objects! Maybe the years we have spent screaming at the ocean...

Bad Brief: The Bush DOJ shoots at the Second Amendment

By John R. Lott A lot of Americans who believe in the right to own guns were very disappointed this weekend. On Friday, the Bush administration’s Justice Department entered into the fray over the District of Columbia’s 1976 handgun ban by filing a brief to the Supreme Court that effectively supports the ban. The administration pays lip service to the notion that the Second Amendment protects gun...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.