Report: Ohio hunters, anglers spend $1.9 billion

By Dave Golowenski Columbus Dispatch ...Calling Ohio's 1.5 million hunters and anglers "among the most prominent and influential of all demographic groups," the report says these outdoor enthusiasts spend more than $1.9 billion a year on hunting and fishing. That dollar outlay puts Ohio ninth among the 50 states. The report was issued by the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, an advocacy group...

Thank goodness she WASN'T a security guard

By Jeff Riley Like most pro-gun activists, I have been following the media accounts of the shooting that occurred at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It seems that, just like Eric Flack of WLW here in Cincinnati , they report incorrect facts or leave out important information relevant to the story. Case in point: I keep reading or hearing reports referring to Jeanne Assam, the...

Poll: Majority in U.S. poll support gun ownership rights

CNN is reporting (no doubt with some disappointment) that despite almost a century of attempts by anti-gun Constitutiona revisionists, nearly two-thirds of Americans still know the truth - that the Constitution guarantees each person the right to bear arms. Click 'Read More' for the story. From the story : In all, 65 percent said they thought the Constitution ensures that right, and 31 percent...

Merry Christmas from Buckeye Firearms Association

Merry Christmas to one and all from all of us at Buckeye Firearms Association. Our best gift is the friendship and support given by each of you throughout the year. As we reflect on the year’s passing, we count our many blessings, remember our losses, and give thanks for those who helped us through it all. We each need to take time to appreciate our friends and family during this special time of...

The season for giving - to your favorite pro-gun organizations!

As the year draws to a close, may of us make year end donations. We donate to our church or charities that do good work throughout the year. For those who itemize their Federal tax return, it’s also a way to lower the tax bill. We have compiled a few organizations that you might want to include in your year-end donations. Not all of these are deductible under IRS rules. Click 'Read More' to...

Space Works To Preserve Gunowners’ Rights and Eliminate Gun Tax

Washington, D.C. -- Standing up for the rights of gun owners, [Democrat] Congressman Zack Space (OH-18) today announced the introduction of the Comprehensive Firearms Reform Act of 2007. Space’s legislation would strike a blow against the excessive infringement of Second Amendment rights at the hands of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE). This bill makes corrections...

Political parody sparks pre-Christmas gun purchases

By Chad D. Baus No, it isn't a real fundraiser, but a political satirist's joke about former Senator Fred Thompson's staunch support for gun rights actually seems to be gaining traction on the Presidential candidate's own website. From the political parody column, entitled "Fred Fundraiser Targets $6M in Guns Pre-Christmas" , published on Republican Presidential candidate Fred...

Congress passes bill to stop mentally ill from getting guns

The Washington Post is reporting that legislation prompted by the Virginia Tech University shootings has been approved by Congress and sent to the President's desk for signature. The legislation is described as help for states to more quickly and accurately identify potential firearms buyers with mental health problems that disqualify them from gun ownership under federal law. From the story: The...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.