Supreme Court Postpones Announcement on D.C. Second Amendment Case

The Supreme Court's orders announced Tuesday, November 13, did not mention any action on District of Columbia v. Heller (formerly known as Parker v. District of Columbia ) or on the related petition by the plaintiffs who were denied standing in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Any guessing about the reasons for the delay would be just that. Based on the Court's current calendar,...

Senate Examines Link between HB71 Proponent, 'Domestic Terror' Group

We are going to use the ballot box and the democratic process to stop all hunting in the United States...We will take it species by species until all hunting is stopped in California. Then we will take it state by state. - Humane Society of the United States Executive Director Wayne Pacelle November 15, 2007 The Hannah Report It was a "nervous" Senate Agriculture Committee chairman who took...

Disabled hunters enjoy day in the great outdoors

David Jacobsen tightened the laces on his boots and with a Remington Model 870 shotgun across his lap, was ready for a hunt. In the parking lot of the Clarence E. Miller Ohio National Guard Armory, he traded his wheelchair in for a pick-up truck and an all-terrain vehicle Friday. His camouflage pants, shirt and bright orange hat blended in with the dozens of others who were about to enter more...

Upside down: Drunk drivers' names off-limits to media, but not CHL-holders'

By Chad D. Baus When it comes to being discriminated against for exercising a civil, Constitutional, and human right, gun owners are in a class unto themselves. Try to impose "reasonable" controls by abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or by prohibiting the free exercise of religion, and we will hear no end to the screaming. On the other hand, our nation's courts have decided that...

Ohio's Youth Deer-Gun Hunting Season Set For November 17-18

COLUMBUS, OH - Ohio’s youth deer-gun hunting season will be held Saturday and Sunday, November 17-18, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. “This is a great opportunity to get our young hunters outdoors and spending quality time with their families,” said David M. Graham, chief of the division. Young hunters killed 8,315 deer during the 2006 two-day...

Attny. Gen. Dann - Conceal Carry Names Limited to Reporters' ''Mental Processes'

November 13, 2007 Hannah Report The Strickland administration and the AG's office have gone on record in response to new questions over media access to names of conceal carry permit holders. Little more than a month after relevant provisions of 126-HB9 (Oelslager) went into effect, Attorney General Marc Dann issued an opinion Tuesday clarifying that journalists cannot photo-copy, photograph,...

American Electric Power celebrates 50 years of conservation partnership

ATHENS, OH - 2007 marks the 50th year of a cooperative agreement between American Electric Power (AEP) and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. This agreement allows the use of AEP owned properties for public hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing opportunities on more than 56,000 acres of land in southeastern Ohio. The anniversary of the first cooperative...

LTE: Concealed carry could prevent rape

November 8, 2007 Toledo Blade As a 26-year-old honors graduate, current student, and concealed handgun license holder, I found the editorial "No campus arms race" a personal insult. Everyone is entitled to an opinion in a forum of free and equal exchange of ideas, but I wish to rebut some of its main points. First, I do not use alcohol or drugs, and neither did most of my fellow honors students,...


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