HB354: More Gun Control Addressing Non-Existent Problems

Seven weeks and counting: Public information requests for Mayor Jackson's "proof" of need for Bill go unanswered By Ken Hanson Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson is attempting to bring big-city, liberal gun control to a town near you. HB354 , written by Mayor Jackson’s law department, was introduced October 16, 2007 by Rep. Williams and Rep. Boyd. Proponents of this Bill scream the typical “It is for...

Wild turkey, pheasant & deer hunting underway in Ohio

Coshocton Tribune: Wild turkey numbers up 7 percent Ohio hunters increased their wild turkey harvest by nearly 7 percent during the state's 12th annual fall gun-hunting season that opened in 37 counties on Oct. 13 and ended Oct. 28, according to preliminary figures released by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. Preliminary total showed 1,077 birds harvested this...

Taking back their party

Editors note: Buckeye Firearms is a non-partisan PAC focused on the sole issue of firearms rights. We are aware that most people have many issues that are important to them. The same political principles that apply to firearms, apply to other issues of importance, and the lessons apply equally to both political parties and all Ohio counties. We urge you to contact your local party and get...

Wild turkey, pheasant & deer hunting underway in Ohio

Coshocton Tribune: Wild turkey numbers up 7 percent Ohio hunters increased their wild turkey harvest by nearly 7 percent during the state's 12th annual fall gun-hunting season that opened in 37 counties on Oct. 13 and ended Oct. 28, according to preliminary figures released by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. Preliminary total showed 1,077 birds harvested this...

Op-Ed: Teachers Packing Heat?

By John R. Lott, Jr. Good intentions do not necessarily make good rules. What counts is whether the laws ultimately save lives. Unfortunately, too many gun laws primarily disarm law-abiding citizens, not criminals. Banning guns from schools seems like the obvious way to keep children safe. But a teacher, Shirley Katz, in Medford, Oregon, is proposing the exact opposite and is stirring up debate...

A National Decline of Hunters, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do

By Larry S. Moore USAToday ran a story recently about the declining number of hunters in the United States ( "American Hunter is a vanishing breed" ). This is indeed a sad statistic that has been covered by several journals across the country. Rob Sexton of the US Sportsmen Alliance is quoted in the article noting that hunters pay the bill for conservation. That is true across the country. It is...

Op-ed: Get Your Hunt On - It’s good for the animals

By John R. Lott, Jr. Do vegetarians benefit from hunting? Well, let’s just say that all those vegetarians who have adopted their non-meat eating lifestyles because they abhor harming animals might be in for a real shock. Farms actually depend crucially on the ability to kill animals that eat their crops. So vegetarians might consider whether the fine print under their organic labels actually...

Brady gun ban extremist to security-conscious students: ''DROP OUT''

There has perhaps never been a better illustration of how unconcerned the gun ban lobby is about the extreme loss of innocent lives our nation continues to endure in so-called "gun-free" zones. The following is what a spokesperson for the group formerly known as Handgun Control Inc. callously told college students who are protesting the denial of their constitutional right to bear arms and civil/...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.