Op-Ed: Genocide Resistance

By Dave Kopel & Paul Gallant, & Joanne D. Eisen Whatever may be said about the U.S. House of Representatives committee vote concerning the use of the term “genocide” in reference to Turkey’s atrocities against the Armenians during World War I, two facts are indisputable: It was gun confiscation that made the atrocities possible. And it was the possession of firearms that saved many...

Special Youth Hunting Seasons Make Fall a Special Time

By Larry S. Moore Fall is a special time of year in nature. The seasons change bringing a rainbow spectrum of colors to Ohio’s woods. It is my favorite season to be outdoors. Of course the hunting seasons, whether squirrel, dove, deer or turkey, add excitement to the outdoor experience. I think back to those days, now over 18-years ago, when I first took my oldest son hunting with me. The first...

Op-Ed: Ron’s Revolution - Could Dr. Paul really surprise us all?

By Dave Kopel [Recently] I attended and spoke at the Second Amendment Foundation’s annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, which was held at a convention center in northern Kentucky, a few miles away from Cincinnati. What I saw and heard there changed my mind about the viability of Ron Paul’s presidential candidacy; Paul is going to far outperform the expectations laid out for him. First, for some...

Sen. Steve Buehrer delivers sponsor testimony on 'Castle Doctrine' legislation

Buckeye Firearms Assocation representatives were on hand today as Sen. Steve Buehrer delivered sponsor testimony on SB184 in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice . Buehrer is the primary sponsor for the bill, which is often referred to as “Castle Doctrine” legislation, but is also known by “Stand your Ground”, “Victim Bill of Rights” and several other names. When introducing the...

LTE: Still another school shooting

October 12, 2007 Cleveland Plain Dealer Still another school shooting - this time not off in some other state, but right here in Ohio, in our own back yard. Now we know that it can happen here. And we are not prepared to stave off still another shooting. Click 'Read More' for the entire letter to the editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Perhaps the public, and parents in particular, who formerly...

Op-ed: Guns Don't Kill Kids, Irresponsible Adults With Guns Do

By John Lott FOXNews.com Should your doctor ask your child if you own a gun? Guidelines issued by the American Academy of Pediatric say "yes." They warn that "Children are curious even if they’ve had some sort of firearm training. That’s why parents taking responsibility for safe gun storage is so essential.” Doctors across the United States are being advised to interrogate children about mom and...

Yet another anti-gun liberal grapples with reality...

...Amendment II means what it says. By Tim Inwood Being a “news addict” one becomes familiar with certain faces on television. You quickly learn who is worth listening to and who is not on a variety of subjects. One whom I came to respect for his opinions was Jonathan Turley, who is a law professor at George Washington University. Mr. Turley was a frequent guest on news programs during the...

Fewer and fewer Americans say they support gun control

A new Gallup poll indicates that fewer people in the United States say they are supportive of stricter gun control laws. As reported by United Press International (UPI), a survey last week found that 51 percent support stricter laws governing the sale of firearms - down from 60 percent during the Clinton 90's. Those who said the laws should either be kept as they are or made less strict was 47...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.