LTE: Cities have no business messing with gun laws

October 13, 2007 Columbus Dispatch In reference to the Sunday Dispatch editorial " City vs. state ," I would like to point out a few facts that the liberal who wrote this editorial left out. Click 'Read More' for the entire letter to the editor of the Columbus Dispatch. You can argue all you want, but the truth of the matter is that the people of the United States are a free people who have the...

Second Amendment Foundation Recognizes Ron Paul

By Mark Noble Last weekend, the Second Amendment Foundation's (SAF) Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) convened in Fort Mitchell, KY. With eight hundred pre-registered attendees, this was the largest SAF event ever. From the buttons, bumper stickers, and familiar faces, it was clear that a sizable chunk of the morning's record figure could be attributed to interest in Congressman and Republican...

Gun ban extremists' answer to school shootings is more of the same

By Chad D. Baus "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." A quick Google search reveals the quote has been attributed to the likes of Benjamin Franklin to Albert Einstein, but that no one really knows who actually should be given credit. While discovering the true origins of the quote may be difficult, finding examples of this type if insanity are certainly...

Castle Doctrine: Senate hearing scheduled Oct. 17 for Sponsor testimony

Senate Bill 184, Ohio's Castle Doctrine bill, has been added to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice 's agenda for Sponsor-only testimony on October 17 at 10:15 a.m. in the Senate Building's North Hearing Room. The purpose for Wednesday's hearing is so that the committee may hear testimony on SB184 from its primary sponsor, Sen. Steve Buehrer. Sen. Buehrer will no doubt enjoy having...

Buckeye Firearms Association Announces 2007 Endorsements

The Buckeye Firearms Association proudly announced many endorsements in local races around the state today. As a part of our focus on general firearms issues, this political action committee continues our efforts to direct voters' attention to an increasing variety of local races in the state of Ohio for off-year elections. This year, there are a few contests which pique the interest of Buckeye...

CCRKBA 'Grassroots Organization of the Year' Award goes to Buckeye Firearms Association

BELLEVUE, WA – The Buckeye Firearms Association – a grassroots organization of activist gun owners in Ohio – has been recognized as the “Grassroots Organization of the Year” for 2007 by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The award was presented by CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb during the 21st annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, held at the Drawbridge Inn and Convention...

Teachers Begin School Year Armed with Lucky Charms

By Ken Hanson Another school year has started. Kids settle back into a structured routine, bus drivers renew early morning coffee friendships, young athletes take to sports fields and millions of parents once again rely on security arrangements that amount to rubbing a rabbit’s foot. It was an especially surreal experience for me, as I walked into the brand new school building on dedication day,...

National Collegiate Student Empty Holster Protest

10/22-10/27 On April 16, 2007, twenty-seven students and five faculty members at Virginia Tech lost their lives to a madman who possessed one distinct advantage over his victims—He was not concerned with following the rules. Undeterred by Virginia Tech's status as a "gun free zone," this mentally unstable individual carried two handguns onto the university campus and indiscriminately opened fire...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.