HB238: Getting Tough on Poachers

By Larry S. Moore Deer season is upon us with all the anticipation and excitement for that possibility of the Ohio big buck trophy. That means sleepless nights for deer hunters after seeing the “big one” but not getting a shot. In far too many instances Ohio’s law-abiding sportsmen and, in fact, all Ohioans are being robbed. As Ohio’s deer herd has grown and become known for quality hunting, so...

OhioGameandFish.com's 2007 Deer Outlook - Part 1

With another record harvest behind us, a booming deer herd and more opportunities than ever, Buckeye State whitetail hunters can't help but be excited about the coming season. OhioGameandFish.com's expert has the story. Part 1: Where To Find Our Best Deer Hunting By Dan Long Once again, Ohio hunters crushed 2006's deer-harvest record with a total kill exceeding 237,000 deer. With an estimated pre...

OSC ruling highlights urgency of need for unloaded transportation law fix

Can we finally get our unloaded transportation issues fixed? By Ken Hanson, Esq. In case you missed it, the Ohio Supreme Court has forever removed any doubt about transportation of unloaded firearms in Ohio being broken. In a decision that surprised no one, the Court ruled that ammunition being readily at hand places anyone transporting any firearm in Ohio in jeopardy of arrest and prosecution...

Cincinnati gun rights conference draws over 800; Ron Paul to speak Saturday

NEWS RELEASE Republican Presidential hopeful Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) will speak during a Saturday evening reception at this weekend’s Gun Rights Policy Conference, which opens Friday evening and runs through Sunday in the Cincinnati, OH area at the Drawbridge Inn & Convention Center in Fort Mitchell, KY. More than 800 gun rights activists from across the nation have pre-registered for the event...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

By Chris Chumita There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are all worthy of mention. What follows is our review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. From speeders to pedophiles employed by the anti-gun Disney, these articles should be a part of your required reading!...

Two more innocent Ohioans' lives protected with a gun

Columbus' 10TV is reporting that when three armed men invaded a couple's home in a quiet east-side neighborhood, the homeowner was able to protect his life and his wife - because the criminals weren't the only ones with a gun. Click 'Read More' for the story. From the story : Cynthia Davis said she had just gone into the basement of her home on Picard Road when she heard the back door being...

Pro-gunner appointed to replace Seitz in state's 30th House District

Buckeye Firearms Association is pleased to report that Bob Mecklenborg has been appointed to serve in the Ohio House of Representatives for Ohio's 30th House District. He is to replace long time Representative Bill Seitz, who is moving on to the Ohio Senate. Representative-to-be Mecklenborg is well known to Buckeye Firearms Association's South West Ohio Leadership. Region Leader Collin Rink said...

Buckeye Firearms Assoc. Endorses Bill Todd for Columbus Mayor

Buckeye Firearms Association and the citizens of central Ohio recognize the poor leadership that the City of Columbus has experienced over the past 8 years under the direction of the current Mayor. Columbus has witnessed the installation of red light cameras, a substantial surge of gang activity, home invasions, increased crime around the campus area, and a huge upswing in crime violence in...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.