Lima News: ''Who’s packing? Almost 2,000 area residents''

By Chad D. Baus Gun owners have a general mistrust for the mainstream media, and rightly so. Over the years, having witnessed examples of poor and/or biased journalism ranging from images of fully-automatic rifles being fired during a story about the Clinton assault weapons ban (which had nothing to do with full-autos) to editorializing about gun legislation they later admit to not even having...

Few converts for Giuliani at NRA candidate forum

On Friday, we reported that GOP presidential wanna-be Rudy Guiliani would be seeking support from the NRA, a group he once likened to 'extremists' , at the group's “A Celebration of American Values” candidate forum in Washington D.C.. As a follow-up to that meeting, MSNBC is reporting that Giuliani's attempts to distract pro-gun voters from his anti-gun record with a few pro-gun election year...

Report: Joyce Fndn. anti-gunners wrote Intl. Assc. of Chiefs of Police ''report'

The mainstream media is running wild with the latest anti-gun "report", this time purported to have been completed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). But as firearms law expert David Hardy reports on his website,, there is far more than meets the eye when it comes to measuring the report's objectivity. Click 'Read More' for the entire story. The IACP...

In memory of Vernon Ferrier

By Tim Inwood In late August I was asked by my friend Christa Criddle to come down to speak at the September meeting of the Springfield Township Republican Party on the issue of concealed carry in Ohio. In preparing my remarks I looked back over the past several years of our battle to restore our right to self-defense in Ohio. I paused as I thought about my friend Vernon Ferrier. Vernon was one...

Giuliani Seeking Support From NRA, Group He Once Likened to 'Extremists'

By Chad D. Baus Just how stupid does he think we are? The Washington Post is reporting that today is the day Rudy Giuliani will go before the rank and file of the National Rifle Association - a group he once likened to "extremists" for its efforts to repeal the ban on assault weapons - seeking support for his Republican presidential campaign. The Post notes that even as the former New York mayor...

Buckeye Firearms Assoc. attends USSA's 11th Annual Save Our Heritage Rally

By Gerard Valentino Several members of Buckeye Firearms joined hunters, anglers and trappers from across that state at the recent United States Sportsman’s Alliance's 11th Annual Save Our Heritage Rally held at the Aladdin Shrine Temple on September 15th. The event, as always, was well organized and guns, hunting trips and other outdoors accessories were given away by the truckload - including a...

National Hunting and Fishing Day

By Larry S. Moore National Hunting and Fishing Day is September 22nd. This is an annual celebration of our hunting and fishing heritage as set by Congress. It provides a day for celebrating our freedoms to hunt and fish, as well as the Second Amendment. Whether you are a hunter, fisherman, trapper or shooter take some time this special day to think about that heritage. Even better would be to...

Cleveland Mayor 'All Wet' on Anti-Gun Proposal to Stem Crime

A proposal by anti-gun Cleveland, OH Mayor Frank Jackson to make firearm possession illegal by anyone under age 21 is a non-solution to a genuine problem of violent crime, and like all gun control laws, it targets the wrong people, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said in a recent press release. Mayor Jackson's suggestion came after the killing of a 12-year-old girl...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.