Mindset: Where It All Begins and Ends

Brian LaMaster, president and chief instructor at Innovative Tactical Concepts, LLC ( www.right2defend.com ) is offering an Advanced Pistol Fighting Level II class at a discounted price as a fundraiser for Buckeye Firearms Association on November 3 - 4, 2007. The class is limited to the first 15 paid participants! Get complete details here . By Brian K. LaMaster In order to survive a life-...

Op-Ed: D.C. Handgun Ban

By John R. Lott. Jr. FOXNews.com Is banning handguns a "reasonable regulation"? The District of Columbia certainly hopes that the Supreme Court thinks so. D.C. filed a brief last week asking the U.S. Supreme Court to let it keep its 1976 handgun ban, but how the city argued its case was what was most surprising. Instead of spending a lot of time arguing over what the constitution means, the city...

Another newspaper op-ed recognizes the folly of Mayor Jackson's gun control

As an anti-gun politician, you know it's a bad, bad, really bad day when not just one, but two newspapers publish editorials against your latest legislative proposal on gun control. And that is just what has happened concerning Mayor Frank Jackson's proposal to ban firearms ownership for persons under 21 years of age. Just 3 days after the Cleveland Plain Dealer said " New gun laws wouldn't solve...

Several previous Buckeye Firearms Assoc. endorsees consider run for Congress

The Toledo Blade is reporting that a special election will be held on December 11 in Ohio's 5th Congressional district so that northest Ohio voters may chose a replacement for the recently-deceased Rep. Paul Gillmore. Perhaps more interesting will be the primary, scheduled to coincide with the statewide general election on November 6. According to the Blade, several proven pro-gun state...

Challenges lie before us

By Tim Inwood For many years, the enemies of gun ownership have hatched various plots to take our firearms. Outright bans have been met with resistance, and so these folks have had to resort to less overt, but just as nefarious, plots to reach their goals. I have noted that there are several things coming together at this time that are a huge threat to we, the gun owners in the United States...

Dispatch/Blade editorials reveal media misunderstanding about CHL records

With each newspaper editorial expressing journalists' misgivings with the pending changes to the media access to concealed handgun license (CHL) records loophole, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the Cleveland Plain Dealer isn't the only newspaper to fail to read legislation before editorializing on it. Last week, in an editorial entitled "Idea misfires: Pending law on conceal-carry...

Columbus Dispatch editorial: Amend law on conceal-carry records

By Chad D. Baus When Ohio House Bill 9 was signed into law, the media gave it surprisingly little attention (especially given how hard the media pushed for the open records bill for the past two years). But now that a provision modifying how Ohio's sheriffs are to handle the confidential records of concealed handgun licenseholders is about to take effect, the editorial boards are beginning to...

The Cost

By Gerard Valentino Imagine that someone broke into your house and forced you to defend your family by using the gun kept stored in your nightstand. The instant you pulled that trigger your life has changed in ways you cannot fathom. Right now your ears are straining to hear the sirens that trumpet the arrival of the people that will save you from this nightmare – the local police. As a law-...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.