Plain Dealer Editorial: New gun laws wouldn't solve Cleveland's crime problem

By Chad D. Baus Having taken the Cleveland Plain Dealer to task for grievances ranging from reversing their editorial position on statewide preemption of local gun control laws without acknowledging the reversal (let alone explaining it), to publishing false information on campus "no-guns" zones, to failing to read legislation before editorializing on it, and stalling for weeks before publishing...

Another murder, in another “gun free” zone

By Jim Irvine This week, a former employee killed a current employee while she was working. The victim could not legally defend her life because she lived and worked in Wisconsin, one of only two states that have no concealed carry program. After killing his victim, the killer turned his gun on himself and took his own life. It is common for criminals to be cowards and be unwilling to face the...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

By Chris Chumita There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are all worthy of mention. What follows is our review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. From violence in Cleveland to a cannon shell in West Toledo, these articles should be a part of your required reading!...

New ATF report again shows Bloomberg lies about trace data [Last weeks'] release of aggregate gun trace data in the New York City region by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) once again puts the lie to long-standing claims by Mayor Michael Bloomberg that this data is not available to law enforcement, the Second Amendment Foundation said. Click 'Read More' for the entire press release. William G. McMahon, ATF Special...

The cost of ammunition is rising

The Fresno (CA) Bee is reporting that the cost of ammunition is rising, with retailers saying prices have climbed between about 10% and 20% this year -- and some even higher. From the story : "As a percentage, it's the biggest we've experienced in my lifetime," said Barry Bauer, president of Herb Bauer Sporting Goods in Fresno. Ammunition made from copper, lead and brass is affected. The cost of...

Cleveland Mayor Jackson proposes new gun control law

By Chad D. Baus In his continuing struggle to get ahead of the public relations debacle he faces while presiding over a 14.1% increase in homicides already this year (and a 26.5% increase in homicide with firearms), and seeking to justify his use of taxpayer resources on a go-it-alone court challenge of HB347 , a new state law which preempts local gun control laws, Mayor Frank Jackson has...

Senate Votes To Address U.N. Gun Ban Crusade With the United Nations continuing its efforts to enact draconian, transnational gun control laws in countries around the world, yesterday the U.S. Senate passed the Foreign Operations appropriations bill, which included an amendment by Senator David Vitter (R-LA) that seeks to address the U.N.’s ongoing international gun ban efforts. Click 'Read More' for the entire NRA-ILA...

New law on media access to CHL records confuses...just about everyone

By Chad D. Baus Ohio gun owners and privacy advocates will forever remember the summer of 2007 because of Sandusky Register editor Matt Westerhold's decision to follow in the footsteps of other newspapers by abusing the special access journalists have been granted to Ohio concealed handgun license-holder's confidential information. Although many state legislators, county sheriffs and even...


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