Ohio and Arkansas sign concealed handgun license reciprocity agreements

By Jim Irvine Last week, Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann (D) signed another concealed handgun license reciprocity agreement. With the addition of Arkansas, your Ohio Concealed Handgun License (CHL) is now valid in 25 states. Earlier this year, Arkansas Senator Steve Faris (D) sponsored SB268, with expanded Arkansas' reciprocity. The new law requires Arkansas to honor the license from any state...

GOP finally has a pro-gun Presidential candiate among frontrunners

By Chad D. Baus The lack of a pro-gun Presidential candidate among the front-runners in either major political party has been a subject of much discussion in the pro-gun grassroots community for the past 8 months. From Hillary Clinton and Obama Hussein Barack on the Left to Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and John McCain on the "Right", the spectre of a another anti-gun presidency loomed large in the...

RAPIST PROTECTION ZONE: Midday rape at Tiffin University

By Chad D. Baus She can vote. She can join the Armed Services in defense of her country. But in the eyes of Ohio law, she cannot be trusted to carry a firearm in defense of her dignity at her chosen place of higher learning. As if we needed any more evidence of the terrible danger of marking off Ohio's college campuses as defenseless victim zones, the Toledo Blade is reporting that an 18-year-old...

Anti-hunting PETA at work in the Buckeye State; Is your legislator helping?

By Chad D. Baus The Middletown Journal is reporting that People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), a radical anti-hunting organization that has financially supported organizations identified by the Federal government as domestic terrorist groups, is making inroads in the Ohio legislature. According to the story, it's not only the newspaper that is promoting PETA's legislative agenda...

Column: Dove hunters take aim at hard target

By Jim Robey Dayton Daily News Thousands of Ohio hunters have been spending time at state dove fields since the dove season opened on Sept. 1 and many are finding this is not an easy bird to hit. The rapid-flying game bird moves quickly over the fields in an erratic flight and poses a challenge for the hunters. Some of the more experienced shooters have admitted the bird is not an easy target...

Panel On Virginia Tech Murders Pushes Anti-Gun Agenda

NRAILA.org The “Virginia Tech Review Panel” has released its report on April’s horrific mass murder on campus. Most media attention has rightly focused on failures of communication. These include failures to share information between university officials, mental health counselors, campus police, and killer Seung Hui Cho’s parents, as well as the university’s failure to promptly notify students,...

Buckeye Firearms Assoc. endorses Matthew McGowan for Mayor of Cheviot

Buckeye Firearms Association is proud to endorse Matthew McGowan in his race to become Mayor of Cheviot, Ohio in the primary and general election. As a political action committee, Buckeye Firearms Association has been in the forefront of battling a number of cities in Ohio that have infringed on the rights of our fellow Buckeyes. Matt McGowan is a staunch supporter of our Second Amendment rights...

Claims of 'huge' anti-gun protests were lies, says CCRKBA

A Brady Campaign news release headline claiming that "huge" crowds turned out across America for anti-gun protests on Tuesday was both false and misleading, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said this week. The [Brady bunch] news release went out over the national PR Newswire service Tuesday evening at 9:56 p.m., Eastern Time. "Careful analysis of news coverage, or the...


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