NRA bringing national museum to Ohio!

FAIRFAX, Va. -- In cooperation with the Ohio National Guard, the Civilian Marksmanship Program, the Camp Perry Lodge and the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice, the NRA's National Firearms Museum is honored to present one of the finest displays of competitive arms and shooting accessories ever assembled. Thousands of visitors to the National Matches in Camp Perry will be able to...

Another Ohio editorial board member hopes to rescind the Second Amendment

By Chad D. Baus In case anyone missed it (and I wouldn't be surprised, given the newspaper it was published in), another editorial board member in Ohio recently exercised his First Amendment rights to call for the revocation of your Second Amendment rights. Commentary by Buckeye Firearms Association's Chad Baus is in crimson . Solving the gun-control dilemma Richard Foreman Port Clinton News...

The history of gun control, part 3

By Sandy Froman Sadly, modern history is full of instances where the anti-gun left tries to capitalize on tragedy and fear to push their agenda. Sometimes the push is immediate, while at other times they lay in wait gathering strength until an opportune time, like the evil Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter novels. Those who support the Bill of Rights need to be aware of these tactics so we can...

Buckeye Firearms Assoc. invites you to shoot with Ohio's legislative leaders

Here's your chance to meet House Speaker Jon Husted and Senate President Bill Harris and encourage them to make plans to put (Castle Doctrine) HB264/SB184 on a fast track! ANNUAL JOHN WAYNE CLAY & PISTOL SHOOT The Delaware County Republican Party’s Annual John Wayne Clay Shoot with honored guests Ohio Senate President Bill Harris Ohio House Speaker Jon Husted Ohio Republican Party Vice...

Public Defender's (UNEDITED) Letter to Register Editor Westerhold

UPDATE: Mr. Longo has sent Buckeye Firearms Association the complete text of his letter, which includes information EDITED out by the Sandusky Register , with the excuse that the letter was too long. Apparently the newspaper has enough space to publish the names of approximately 2,700 law-abiding citizens' private, confidential (and in some cases erroneous information, but not an extra 130 words...

Poll: Gun owners have opportunity to shape impression of Bloomberg in Ohio

By Chad D. Baus On July 12, the Hannah News Service reported on the latest Quinnipiac Poll, which found that 61% of Ohioans have no opinion of anti-gun New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and that his unfavorables are higher than favorables among the rest. Ohio gun owners have an excellent opportunity to help inform their friends and neighbors about this anti-gun candidate before his...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

By Chris Chumita There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are all worthy of mention. What follows is our review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. From more violence in Cleveland to the AK-47, these articles should be a part of your required reading! Click on the "...

Plain Dealer offers BALANCED coverage of Castle Doctrine law introduction

It took some time (one month, to be exact), but the Cleveland Plain Dealer has finally gotten around to publishing a story on SB184, Ohio's Castle Doctrine legislation introduced by Senator Steve Buehrer. It may be surprising for gun owners to learn that the newspaper's coverage is much more fair than the paper has developed a reputation for. From the story : Right now, Ohio law says that if you...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.