Book Review: Dr. John R. Lott's ''Freedomnomics''

By Chad D. Baus For most firearms enthusiasts, the name John Lott is synonymous with one thing: More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun-Control Laws . When that book hit the market in 1998, it quickly became recognized as what is perhaps the best critique of gun control ever written. Having endured a term and a half of what was possibly the most anti-gun presidential administrations in...

SAF asks Federal investigation of alleged straw purchase by anti-gunner

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation is calling upon the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to open a criminal investigation into what may be a publicly-admitted straw purchase of a handgun in New Hampshire involving the head of a Massachusetts anti-gun organization and a columnist for the Boston Globe. SAF Founder Alan Gottlieb said today that remarks made by John...

Sandusky Register's error-filled list of CHL-holders' private info

By Chad D. Baus & Jim Irvine As if declaring war on gun ownership by publishing the private, confidential information of more than 2,700 Ohio concealed handgun license (CHL) holders wasn't bad enough, an investigation by the Buckeye Firearms Association has confirmed that the Sandusky Register has another problem - the newspaper's database contains false information! When Ohio's concealed...

D.C. appeals overthrown gun ban ruling to U.S. Supreme Court

The Associated Press is reporting that the D.C government has decided to petition the Supreme Court to hear its appeal of the federal circuit court's decision to overturn the city's 30-year-old handgun ban. Click 'Read More' for the entire story. From the story : Mayor Adrian Fenty's office says the city's ban on most handguns can and should be defended. The gun law bars residents from keeping...

Gun owners score pair of victories against Bloomberg and OSHA

The NRA is reporting that the U.S. House Appropriations Committee voted on July 12 to protect language commonly known as the "Tiahrt Amendment," rejecting two separate amendments designed to strike and gut the language, in the Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2008. This language maintains firearm trace information within the law enforcement community and out of...

Failure to Inform: CHL-holders taking a big risk on Ohio roadways

There are mounds of evidence that most members of the pro-gun community care deeply about the rule of law. We spend lots of money to ensure we are in compliance with the law. We spend lots of time discussing the law in discussion forums, and even more time and money trying to improve laws in our state capitols. It is never pleasant when we have to air dirty laundry, or have it aired for us in an...

Our Gun Legacy - Good or Bad?

By James D. Cool Have you ever thoughtfully considered just how we got to where we are regarding the gun issue? Our nation was founded and evolved as a uniquely free society during the same time period that modern firearms were invented and became readily available due to the industrial revolution. Combine those two events with our founding fathers' genuine fear of tyrannical government along...

Proposed safety regs would dry up ammunition sales recently reported that the federal government is considering a series of new rules that would apply to workplaces where "explosives" are handled, giving rise to a concern that the restrictions could be used to limit – or eliminate – reasonable access to firearms ammunition. The issue was highlighted by Rush Limbaugh recently and first covered on this website here . From...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.