Former Trooper to Editor Westerhold: ''That's no public service''

July 4, 2007 Sandusky Register Choya Hawn, 51, Erie. That is how my name appears on the Register's Web site along with the names of the other holders of Concealed Carry Permits issued by Erie County. Since you are convinced the public needs to know such information, allow me to expand. I am a 27-year veteran of the Ohio State Highway Patrol. I have served 21 years as a certified firearms...

Independence Day 2007

With the upcoming holiday, let's look at what it might mean to some people…a day off with pay, just a day off, family, friends, cookouts, reunions or just a day to lounge and watch the fireworks. As for me, I think of our Constitution, our founding fathers, our Bill of Rights, our military men and women who are performing their duties to protect our freedom. “FREEDOM”. We say it often, exclaiming...

Think the Register got too much private info? Records prove they wanted MORE

Ottawa County Sheriff Robert Bratton has posted The Sandusky Register 's June 6 request for the list of concealed handgun license-holders on the official website of the Ottawa County Sheriff. The request letter reveals that the Sandusky Register didn't stop at asking for the private information allowed journalists in the media access loophole. Rather, the newspaper asked for the home address of...

Stop New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Anti-Gun Crusade!

As you know, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is heading a national cabal of anti-gun mayors called "Mayors Against Illegal Guns." The main objective of this coalition is to repeal the Tiahrt Amendment. This critically important legislation protects the privacy rights of law-abiding gun owners, the safety of law enforcement officers, and the integrity of criminal investigations by preventing...

Letter to Sandusky Register Editor Matt Westerhold

We know it was far from the only one mailed to Editor Matt Westerhold, but the Sandusky Register has finally published a single letter to the editor about their irresponsible release of private information on CHL-holders on their website: Cost some business After years of advertising my rental units and selling numerous items in your classifieds, the Sandusky Register has chosen to list my name...

Senate committee protects trace data security - Bloomberg loses a round

NRA-ILA welcomed the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee's action [Thursday] to reinstate language commonly known as the Tiahrt Amendment into the Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill. The amendment, offered by Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL), passed with broad bipartisan support. This language would keep sensitive firearm trace information in the hands of law enforcement and out of...

What is the harm in publishing lists of concealed handgun license holders?

By publishing lists of persons who have obtained concealed handgun licenses, newspapers such as the Sandusky Register have taken private, non-public record information and made it public. Specifically, because of their actions, the general public may now know who owns and may or may not carry a gun. Additionally, the general public now knows who is not carrying a gun in their day to day...

It's About Privacy (& the Sandusky Register Secretly Employing Sex Offenders)

By Ken Hanson Sandusky Register Editor Matt Westerhold, apparently with a straight face, published an editorial today entitled “It’s about the secrets, not about the gun owners” . Apparently hoping we forgot his history at the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram , where he attacked gun owners' privacy in similar fashion, Mr. Westerhold bemoans that he did not seek this fight, but at the same time he would...


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