''I Thought This Would Never Happen to Me''

Real-life lessons from real-life threats to a retired man’s life By Bob Harsanje I liked Skip from the first time we shook hands. He’s a not so very tall man, but sports a physique a 40 year old would pretend to not envy. There’s a friendly but knowing twinkle in his eye that tips you off he’s experienced life from many perspectives. You’re not going to fool Skip. He’s been around. He’s tough. He...

4 myths of gun control shredded

By Jay Ambrose If Seung-Hui Cho hadn't gotten his hands on two semiautomatic pistols, he wouldn't have been able to slay 32 students and others, say some gun-control advocates who really ought to learn about Andrew Kehoe, who didn't stop at 32. In the deadliest violence inside a school ever in America, Kehoe killed 45 people, mostly children, and guns had nothing to do with it. It was 1927 in the...

Acting Director of ATF: Don't buy Bloomberg claims about firearms trace data

By Michael J. Sullivan During the past several weeks, numerous questions and articles have arisen in the media, regarding the ability of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to share firearms trace data among members of the law-enforcement community. With the recent tragic events surrounding the senseless criminal use of firearms; I felt the need to clarify this important issue...

National FOP President: Don't buy Bloomberg claims about firearms trace data

The Wichita Eagle By Chuck Canterbury Some of America's mayors, led by Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City and Thomas M. Menino of Boston, would like you to believe that their Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition is about fighting illegal firearms in their cities and across the country. It's not. The principal goal of this coalition is the repeal of language that has repeatedly been passed...

Cleveland Mayor: Armed robber is a 'victim'

By Chad D. Baus On March 14, 2007, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson announced that he was going to spend precious taxpayer money to sue the State of Ohio over its decision to make all gun laws in the state uniform. Jackson also informed citizens that he would continue to enforce the local gun control laws - laws which he claimed were necessary to protect the children of his city. On April 22 the...

Note to Blade's Dan Simpson: There are some more Amendments after the First

The Toledo Blade has published a number of pro-gun letters in response to editorial board member Dan Simpson's recent tirade against the United States Constitution. Click 'Read More' for the letters, including two the Blade refused to print. Did columnist forget about Constitution? Having just read Dan Simpson's April 25 column on the disarming of America, I can only think of one question: Where...

Cleveland NAACP Pres.: Don't blame CHL-holder for protecting himself

Cleveland's News Channel 5 is reporting that the Cleveland NAACP responded Friday to criticism surrounding the shooting death of a teenage boy during a robbery, and for once this organization is placing the blame where it belongs - on the criminal. From the story: NAACP President George Forbes and Cleveland Councilman Zach Reed said the black community failed 15-year-old Arthur Buford,...

Plain Dealer: Gun advocates say assaults are thwarted, but not reported

In the fallout from an erroneous Cleveland Plain Dealer story claiming that the death of an armed robber at the hand of the concealed handgun licenseholder he attacked was "what appears to be the first time", Cleveland Plain Dealer reporter Michael O'Malley spent time late last week discussing the facts with Buckeye Firearms Association's Chairman and Vice Chairman. He published a follow-up story...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.