Op-Ed: Rudy Bumpo - Should Giuliani go hunting? How about asking the hunters?

By Geoffrey Norman National Review Online Rudolph Giuliani has a problem with guns. Seems that when he was cleaning up New York, Sheriff Giuliani took a hard line on hoglegs. ...As part of his campaign to make the streets safe, Giuliani’s administration sued 30 American arms manufacturers, and his police commissioner proposed a nationwide system of registration under which citizens would be...

Will you be Mitt Romney's cheap date?

Editor's Note 9/28/12 - Please see the following follow-up article, also by Mr. Baus - Recently discovered report forces the question: Do I owe Mitt Romney an apology? (This commentary has also been published at WorldNetDaily.com ) By Chad D. Baus Gun owners have been learning a great deal in recent weeks about the anti-gun record of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is currently polling...

The biggest legal threat you didn’t know you were facing

Ohio gun owners are well aware of our antiquated, backwards laws relating to gun ownership and usage. One thing area gun owners of every stripe – hunters, clay shooters, handgun shooters, competitive shooters and self-defense advocates – uniformly agree upon is that our laws regulating unloaded transportation of firearms in a motor vehicle have been twisted well beyond the understanding of the...

Op-Ed: Gun ban doesn't reduce crime

By Matt White Men and women dedicated to taking away our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms are on the march. Chief among these gun-banners is Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York City, but he has some lousy cohorts from Ohio, including: Akron Mayor Donald Plusquellic, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, Columbus Mayor Mike Coleman, Dayton Mayor Rhine McLin, Mansfield Mayor Lydia Reid...

Plain (Dealer) hypocrisy: 'Jeers' to privacy theft

By Chad D. Baus The Associated Press reported recently that motorists in Ohio and five other states are suing a company that sends advertising in vehicle registration notices, saying it violates a federal law that protects their personal information. From the story: Massachusetts-based Imagitas has a contract in Ohio and other states to mail vehicle registration notices. The company inserts an...

Hunting for votes: An Ohio analysis

By Larry S. Moore The recent MSNBC/ National Journal article “Hunting the hook and bullet vote” is certainly right on. It contains a great perspective. I urge everyone who reads this commentary to share the article with friends. It should also be shared with our legislators with the appropriate thank you note or suggestions for improved positions. The article contains strong comparisons for Ohio...

LTE: Why label different types of violence?

March 31, 2007 Cincinnati Enquirer Why when violence involves a firearm do you call it "gun violence"? I never see the words "knife violence" or "brick violence" mentioned. As a matter of fact, you run very few stories of any other kind of violence but those involving firearms. There's no such thing as gun violence; there's just plain violence. Separating violence involving a firearm is both...

Buckeye Blast was a BLAST!!

On Sunday, 60 grassroots activists including U.S. Congresswoman Jean Schmidt and Ohio State Representatives Joe Uecker and Danny Bubp came together to support Buckeye Firearms Association and enjoyed a great day of fun and shooting at Tactical Defense Institute (TDI) in Adams County. The day greeted the crew of almost 40 volunteers and 60 shooters with heavy rain, but by mid-morning, the clouds...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.