Senate Version Of National Right-To-Carry Bill Introduced

U.S. Senator John Thune (R-S.D.) recently introduced S. 388--the Senate version of H.R. 226, a national Right-to-Carry reciprocity bill that would provide national reciprocity for state carry licensees. This legislation would allow any person with a valid carry permit or license issued by a state to carry a concealed firearm in any other state if they meet certain criteria. The bill would not...

Security firm sued in Toledo Jeep plant shooting

By Chad D. Baus Last week, the Toledo Blade reported that an employee who was wounded during a shooting rampage two years ago at DaimlerChrysler AG's Toledo North Assembly plant has filed a lawsuit in federal court against the facility's security firm. From the story: Michael Toney, a manager who was among four workers shot by Myles Meyers, claims that Wackenhut Corp. was negligent in allowing...

Let's Truly Prevent Violent Crime

The following was submitted to this website as News Commentary. If you are a writer and have material you would like to be considered for publication, please use the SUBMIT News feature. The link can always be found in the top-left info block on the homepage. By Michael A. Kotch Determining effective solutions to the violence, which threatens our communities requires real honest efforts to keep...

Book Review: ''Thank God I had a Gun''

By Jim Irvine Self defense stories are as unique as the individuals involved. I have read hundreds of such stories and talked personally with many individuals involved in life and death struggles. Most get no media coverage, and the ones that do get covered are generally given only a couple paragraphs that invoke questions, provide few answers and often contain errors caused by the authors...

Op-ed: Gay rights, gun rights cross here

Editor's Note: Self-described "gun bigot" Roberta de Boer accepted an invitation to a Toledo firing range. She may not have come away a convert (yet?), but personal interactions like these with uninformed journalists are important, and we hope they occur more in the future. January 21, 2007 By Roberta de Boer We'd been shooting for a while by the time the amiable chatting started up. This was...

Ohio Supreme Court won't hear Beatty appeal

The Toledo Blade is reporting that the Ohio Supreme Court voted 5-2 (Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton and Justice Judith Ann Lanzinger dissenting) against hearing the appeal of Bruce Beatty, who was convicted of carrying a concealed handgun into Toledo's Ottawa Park in protest of a city ordinance. From the story: The move upholds lower-court rulings that Toledo's prohibition on firearms in public...

Report: Conservation Group, Unions Joining Forces

By Larry S. Moore On January 16, the Washington Post reported 20 labor unions with nearly 5 million members are joining forces with a Republican-leaning umbrella group of conservationists -- the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership -- to put pressure on Congress and the Bush administration. From the story: The Union Sportsman's Alliance, to be rolled out in Washington on Tuesday after...

Buckeye State police chief: Brady gun shop campaign a ''witch hunt''

Cincinnati's 9News ( is reporting that the owner of a local gun shop in North College Hill, under attack by out-of-state anti-gun extremists, is speaking out to defend his business. And he's not the only one. Click on 'Read More' for the story. From the story: Costello's Gun Shop in North College Hill is listed in a crime prevention report as an example of a place conducting shady...


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