War against guns shows will intensify this year

By Tim Inwood On the weekend of January 6th 2007, the Ohio Gun Collectors Association had their first show of the year at the Roberts Centre in Wilmington Ohio. As I walked the aisles admiring the displays of Colt’s from the American Civil War and Winchesters of the “Old West”, the PA system came to life, and the voice over my head began talking about how the OGCA was celebrating seventy years in...

Why every American should be pro-gun

The following was submitted to this website as News Commentary. If you are a writer and have material you would like to be considered for publication, please use the SUBMIT News feature. The link can always be found in the top-left info block on the homepage. By Michael A. Kotch Why are you a member of the NRA? This is a question that has been asked of me on more than one occasion. My answer can...

Early 2008 Presidential Contenders: Pick your gun control poison

By Chad D. Baus Traditionally, whomever is leading in polling one year ahead of the Presidential primaries becomes the eventual party nominee. If tradition holds true...there is a storm on the horizon... Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Republican All gun owners should pass written test "I do not think the government should cut off the right to bear arms. My position for many years has been...

Strickland taps Sean Logan as the Director of ODNR

By Larry S. Moore Governor Ted Strickland tapped Sean Logan as the new Director of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). Logan is taking the helm of a fine ODNR organization. Ohio is blessed with outstanding natural resources and beauty across our state. ODNR manages more than 470,000 acres of land including 73 state parks, 20 state forests, 120 state nature preserves and 80 wildlife...

Letter-writer receives response to ''Wake up ODW'' email

On January 4, 2007, Buckeye Firearms Association Region Leader John Salyers published a story on this website entitled " Hello Ohio Division of Wildlife? ", in which he addressed the problem of Ohio being behind the curve vs. neighboring states on the issue of carrying a concealed handgun while hunting. Several days later, the following was submitted as a news story to www.buckeyefirearms.org...

Digging for diamonds amidst continued HB347 coverage

So many news articles were written covering passage of HB347 that it was difficult to cover them all. Following are a few more worth noting, including quotes from two county sheriffs who have no problems with HB347, and yet another city administrator who admits they have never enforced the gun control laws they claim they so desperately need: Click on 'Read More' for more. (Defiance) Crescent...

HB347 a nice start to CCW Cleanup

By Chad D. Baus When HB347 was first introduced in September 2005, the Ohio media gave almost total focus on a provision which sought to limit journalist access to CHL-holder records. Once that provision was removed and placed in another piece of legislation, very little time was spent by the media to inform Ohioans about the many other improvements to Ohio law contained in HB347. Although it had...

Ohio Game & Fish Mag: Our Finest December Shotgun Deer Hunts

For those who enjoy brushing up on their knowledge of hunting, writer Jared Meighen has written an extremely informative article in Ohio Fish and Game magazine. The Buckeye State has slowly evolved into one of the finest whitetail-hunting hotspots in the country. Every year, hunters tag a plethora of goliath bucks that would make even the late, great Jack O'Connor sweat bullets. Many attribute...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.