Wayne LaPierre: Call A Crook a Crook

December 18, 2006 NRANews.com There's someone out there telling folks to buy guns illegally, and I think it's time we put a stop to it. He's directing contract employees to walk into gun stores, lie on the paperwork about who's buying the gun, and walk out after making a straw purchase. Even worse, he's bragging about what he's doing. He's holding press conferences to tell the world about what he...

Hanson does Blackwater USA: DAY 3

Buckeye Firearms Association Legislative Chair Ken Hanson recently attend Blackwater USA ’s 5 day pistol/carbine class. While attending class, Ken kept a blog of his experiences. Since most visitors to this site take training very seriously, we thought you would enjoy his ramblings. Ken's five day experience will be published on this website on Tuesdays and Thursdays through the end of the month...

LTEs: State lawmakers are doing right by all Ohioans

December 16, 2006 Cleveland Plain Dealer I disagree with The Plain Dealer editorial board's view that local governments should be able to impose gun-control ordinances. Section 1.04 of the Ohio Constitution guarantees Ohioans' right to bear arms. Why should the residents of big cities like Cleveland and Columbus enjoy this right any less than other Ohioans? Do we expect them to be less law...

D.C. handgun ban facing challenge, national implications bear on 2nd Am.

By Tim Inwood In 1976, Washington D.C. passed a draconian law banning the possession of handguns. Today, there are hopes a lawsuit ( Shelly Parker et al v. District of Columbia ) may bring an end to this era of stupidity. The D.C. law bans all handguns that were not registered with the city prior to September 24th, 1976. This law also applies to ammunition, and a special license to have "...

Ohio House concurs with Senate amendments to HB9; Act heads to Gov. Taft

By Chad D. Baus It's getting tougher and tougher to know what to believe when the Ohio media writes about legislative action in Columbus. On Friday, December 15, the Associated Press put out a wire service report entitled "Public records bill clears Legislature". The story, which was subsequently picked up by several Ohio news outlets, said in part: A bill mandating public-records training for...

Plain Dealer overlooks HB9 in calls for Home Rule-inspired vetos

By Chad D. Baus The Cleveland Plain Dealer editorial page is at it again, writing about legislation we have good reason to believe they've never read. This time, in addition to even more blather about why having one set of rules in the State of Ohio for gun owners is a bad idea, they're whining about legislation which would regulate the use of privacy-invading cameras that are used to find...

Hanson does Blackwater USA: DAY 2

Buckeye Firearms Association Legislative Chair Ken Hanson recently attend Blackwater USA ’s 5 day pistol/carbine class. While attending class, Ken kept a blog of his experiences. Since most visitors to this site take training very seriously, we thought you would enjoy his ramblings. Ken's five day experience will be published on this website on Tuesdays and Thursdays through the end of the month...

Veto Over-ride And The Big City Mayors

Editor's Note: The following op-ed is written in response to this Dayton Daily News story entitled "Officials decry gun law, home-rule threat" By Larry S. Moore Mayor McLin and other big-city Ohio mayors are experiencing angst over the recent over ride of Governor Taft’s veto of HB 347. They are spewing forth venom at the legislators and gun owners while spreading dis-information to the public...


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