HB347 earns predictably inaccurate media coverage

If the media is ashamed of their biased news coverage in the days leading up to passage of Ohio's concealed carry laws, or if journalists have been convinced by the overwhelming evidence in Ohio that gun ban extremists were wrong about their "wild west" rhetoric, they sure aren't showing it. Media reports on HB347 in recent days have been equally disingenuous, and in some cases provably factually...

House Bill 347, Sweeping Firearms Law Reform Bill, headed to Governor Taft

Please note: the contents of this story were updated throughout the day as events warranted. November 29, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Ohio Senate today passed Amended Substitute House Bill 347, a sweeping firearm laws reform bill. The House overwhelmingly passed substantially the same Bill this past Spring by an overwhelming, veto-proof majority. The House voter today to concur with the Senate...

Cleveland CHL-holder defends lives; Plain Dealer mum

By Chad D. Baus In late 2003, when it became clear that the Ohio General Assembly was preparing to send a concealed carry reform bill to the governor's desk, Bob Taft and his anti-gun allies at the Ohio Newspaper Association interjected an eleventh-hour attempt to stall the bill by objecting to the Assembly's intent to protect the privacy of concealed handgun license-holders. ONA member...

Dispatch: Patrol, GOP near deal on HB347

The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that Republican lawmakers and the Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) have reached a deal on how guns can be carried in vehicles, the main sticking point in a bill that, if passed, will do far more to reform Ohio's firearms laws for Ohio sportsmen and gun owners and CHL-holders than remove the ridiculous "plain sight" car carry requirement. From the story: "I think...

Deer hunters with CHL still denied right to carry concealed

By Larry S. Moore The Ohio deer gun season has finally arrived. It is a time that several hundred thousand Ohio deer hunters look forward to each year. I am certainly among that group as I faithfully schedule some of my vacation each year for deer season. Many hunters are filled with anticipation of a big buck, while others simply hope to fill a tag and have some meat for the freezer. As a...

Numbers up for Ohio Youth Deer-Gun Season

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ohio Department of Natural Resources COLUMBUS, OH - Young hunters across Ohio enjoyed another successful hunt during the Fourth Annual Youth Deer-Gun Season. Hunters age 17 and under killed 8,811 deer in the special two-day season, aimed at providing a high-quality hunt for younger Ohioans, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife...

Officials want deer hunters to focus on wild boars

Deer-gun season opens today in Ohio and this year an extra weekend has been added, Dec. 16-17, to increase the number of weekend days available for hunting. Cleveland's NewsNet5.com is reporting that state wildlife officials are urging deer hunters to take aim at any wild boars they might find while hunting this season. From the story: The Ohio Department of Natural Resources said the boars are...

Sportsmen’s groups helping feed hungry

The Toledo Blade is reporting on hunters who are once again reminding hunters that each pound of venison can feed up to four hungry people if donated to area food banks. From the story: Begun in 1997, Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry has helped to bring nearly 13 million servings of venison to soup kitchens and food pantries across the country. With about 100 chapters in 30 states,...


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