Comparison of Two Governors

By Larry S. Moore Two stories in the national press about Florida and Governor Jeb Bush this week caught my attention. The first appeared in the Weekly Standard , and the second in the Orlando Sentinel . The Weekly Standard story proclaims that if his name was anything but Bush he'd be the next President of the US. The article expresses the opinion that Gov. Jeb Bush is the best governor in the...

American's spending on guns rises to more than $2b during 2005

June 6, 2006 Connecticut Post Americans spent more than $2 billion on guns and ammunition in 2005, showing the nation's fascination with firearms is not fading despite concerns raised by gun-control advocates. The Newtown-based National Shooting Sports Foundation on Monday touted a U.S. Department of Treasury report that said sales of firearms and ammunition increased by 2.6 percent in 2005,...

Get Involved - Make a Difference

By Chad D. Baus Whenver acting in an official role for this political action committee, I am a one-issue, non-partisan operative. But like most grassroots firearms activists, I am involved on a personal level in many other areas of politics than just advocating for pro-gun legislation. From being involved in various ways local politics and campaigns to testifying in Columbus on other types of...

Op-Ed: ''Gun Control: Why Tell the Truth When a Lie Will Do?''

By Howard Nemerov A recent Washington Post article claims “More than 500 children die annually from accidental gunshots: Some shoot themselves, while others kill friends or siblings, often after discovering a gun.” To understand how a biased or under-educated writer makes an inaccurate and misleading error, we must first clarify the term “child.” Oxford English Dictionary defines the word “...

Liberal media joins OhioGOP to target Strickland on guns

By Chad D. Baus Ohioans are being treated to a rather uncharacteristic display of negative press aimed at a Democratic political candidate. For the second time in as many weeks, the Dayton Daily News has taken issue with Ted Strickland's supposed flip-flopping on the issue of gun control. A little over two weeks ago, the DDN's Martin Gottlieb attempted to document Strickland's "evolving" position...

Sierra Club remains anti-hunting despite overtures to sportsmen

By Larry S. Moore Sportsmen and shooters have a number of organizations working against our heritage and freedoms. Many of these organizations use names and tactics to disguise their true agenda. Over the past few months Buckeye Firearms has followed the saga of the Outdoor Writers Association of America (OWAA) regarding the disagreements with the NRA here and here and here and here ). Outdoor...

The Ohio GOP Senate Leadership and the Selling Out of Gun Owners

By Gerard Valentino Ohio’s Senate has recessed for the summer without moving on HB347 which would fix many of the poison pills in Ohio’s current concealed carry law and create statewide preemption for gun laws, which greatly affects the hunting and sport shooting community. Their decision to do so was a slap in the face to over 70,000 concealed license holders and up to 500,000 hunters and...

Blood On Your Hands?

By Chris Chumita Do you have blood on your hands? According to some of the gun-grabbers you do. They feel that anyone who supports the private ownership of firearms has the blood of the innocent victims of gun violence on their hands. The gun-grabbers have a strange view of the world. They see a world where inanimate objects cause people to do bad things and they feel that criminals are often the...


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