Op-Ed: Saving Your Soul - and Your Life

By Gerard Valentino (This commentary has also been published at CNSNews.com ) Ohio's concealed carry law allows private property owners to post signs banning the carrying of weapons on their property. As a pro-gun advocate, I am saddened whenever I see such a sign, but never more so than when walking by a local chapter of a large Christian charitable organization. Having been raised a Christian,...

Report: Inspector calls into question ATF's anti-gun program

Minneapolos-St. Paul's KARE 11 is reporting on comments by the Justice Department inspector general on a highly-touted BATFE program that targets violent gun crimes in nearly two dozen cities. The inspector general says that the BATFE has yet to demonstrate that the program works... The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has made faulty comparisons and drawn on...

Op-ed: ''Gun Control - Only the Truth Will Set You Free''

By Howard Nemerov The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence recently published a paper claiming that the federal government is not enforcing federal gun laws because of a conspiracy of collusion between the Bush administration and the “gun lobby.” Brady also claims that the NRA used its lobbying muscle to force the ATF to stop performing traces on guns involved in crime that are recovered by law...

Open Letter to Governor Bob Taft

5 May 2006 Jamestown, OH The Honorable Bob Taft Governor, State of Ohio Dear Governor Taft: I am writing to request your help with the election of Republican leadership in the November 2006 election. I am a member of the Greene County Republican Central Committee. I am active in various sportsmen, Second Amendment, and self-defense issues. As a member of the Greene County Central Committee, I...

MEMORIAL DAY 2006: In 1788, Ohio law required ALL men aged 16-50 to bear arms

(Originally posted by the Cincinnati Enquirer and on this website July 25, 2003) Ohio Moments Soldiers fined 50 cents for lack of weaponry On July 25, 1788, the first Ohio law to establish and regulate a militia was published in Marietta. It mandated all men between 16 and 50 perform military duty. They were required to arm themselves with a musket and bayonet, a cartridge box, powder horn, one...

ABC News Bias: Assigns Anti-Gunner on Staff To Cover Gun Issues

The Second Amendment Foundation has issued the following press release, addressing an issue raised on this website by Buckeye Firearms Volunteer Tim Inwood. BELLEVUE, WA - It looks like ABC News has no problem at all with the appearance of bias, now that they've assigned a reporter who used to work for Handgun Control, Inc. to cover firearms-related stories, the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)...

Attorney General announces First Quarter 2006 CHL statistics

Number of CHLs issued increases over past two quarters By Jim Irvine The Ohio Attorney General released the concealed handgun license statistics for the first quarter of 2006 today. Ohio’s sheriff’s issued 5,546 regular licenses and 21 temporary emergency licenses to law-abiding Ohio citizens. This brings the new total number of licenses issued to 73,692. As expected, the more populous counties...

HB347 & HB541: Stalled until fall

As part of a deal to get Ken Blackwell's TEL amendment (see: The Devil is in the Details - Sportsmen Beware of TEL ) off of the ballot this November, the legislature worked late into the afternoon on Tuesday to pass a statutory version of the TEL that was purported to have eliminated some of the concerns with the proposed constitutional amendment, which politicos had increasingly come to view as...


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