Op-Ed: One Silly Summit

By Gerard Valentino (This commentary has also been published at CNSNews.com and Townhall.com ) The recent summit led by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was yet another example of the anti-gun movement proving that their own cause has failed. Bloomberg, and his band of big city mayors, called for an increase in the tracking of illegal guns, and more education for citizens on how to avoid...

Peirce for Governor Campaign to Reach Signature Goal

Press Conference Ohio Secretary of State Offices 180 Broad Street, Columbus, 11:00 a.m. Monday, May 1 The Peirce for Governor Campaign announced today that it has obtained more than 9,000 signatures and will have close to 11,000 by the filing deadline of Monday, May 1. This should be enough to ensure the 5,000 valid signatures required on a nominating petition for an independent gubernatorial...

AR15Armory.com Invites Buckeye Firearms Into The Club House

by Linda Walker Perusing the Internet these days, the searcher can come up with any subject from A to Z, and then some. That also applies to talk forums. Many forums are extremely informative, usually loosely based around a particular subject, but then some forums can take on a life of their own, and sometimes that life becomes rather raunchy and no longer a good place to visit. There's a new...

Op-Ed: Did You Forget Patriot’s Day?

By Sim Evans “What a glorious morning this is!” --Samuel Adams, April 19, 1775 April 19, was Patriot’s Day; a day to remember how it all started. It’s not a very popular holiday nowadays, but nevertheless, I hope you didn’t forget. Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. Amongst nations, America is a very young country. Charles Dawes, former vice-president and a native of Ohio, died on...

Buckeye Firearms endorses Ted Strickland in Democratic Primary for Governor

By Jim Irvine Buckeye Firearms Association is proud to endorse Ted Strickland for Governor of Ohio in the May 2 Democratic primary election. Mr. Strickland grew up hunting in Appalachian Ohio. As a child he learned that guns are tools to put food on the table. As an adult he understands that concealed carry to protect your family is equally important. Congressmen Strickland has been a consistent...

SD31 Republican Primary Clarification

Contrary to a recent campaign mailing by Representative Ron Hood, he is not currently endorsed by Buckeye Firearms Association in the upcoming May 2nd Republican primary for Ohio 31st Senate District. Hood's campaign letter specifically states "This record has earned me the endorsement of the...Buckeye Firearms Association..." As a grassroots organization run by volunteers, Buckeye Firearms is...

Buckeye Firearms Assn introduces personalized 2006 Primary Voter Guide Generator

Buckeye Firearms Association is proud to announce the launch of our 2006 Primary Voter Guide Generator , which will enable pro-gun voters to receive a personalized Voter Guide via email. "Typically, a voter guide will contain a great deal of information that does not pertain to an individual voter," said Southwest Ohio Chair Joe Eaton. "Therefore in the past it has been up to the voter to educate...

The Rink Report: 2nd Congressional District GOP Primary

By Collin Rink In this 2nd Edition of The Rink Report, we are examining the 2nd Congressional District Republican Primary race, which is just days away. This race is being fought between Congresswoman Jean Schmidt, and Bob McEwen. Buckeye Firearms Association has endorsed Congresswoman Schmidt. Challenger Bob McEwen, a Congressman from the Sixth Congressional District from 1981 until the start of...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.