Home owner wrestles pistol away from home invaders; uses it to chase them away

The Toledo Blade is reporting that a Fostoria man sustained minor injuries after driving away two men, at least one of them armed with a handgun, who invaded his home this week. From the story: Three residents of 327 Sumner St., including a 2-year-old girl, were at home at 4:30 a.m. when the men, wearing black clothing and ski masks, broke in, one of them brandishing a 9mm pistol. One of the...

Hear the Quiet?

By Gerard Valentino (This commentary has also been published at CNSNews.com ! Once a hot-button political issue, gun control has become nothing more than a second tier topic on the national scene. In the last presidential election the only serious press coverage devoted to guns revolved around John Kerry's poorly devised goose hunting trip in Ohio designed to make him look like a supporter of 2nd...

Mayor-elect: Toledo's anti-self-defense police chief should step down

Toledo's NBC24.com is reporting that if Mayor-elect Carty Finkbeiner has his way, anti-self-defense Police Chief Michael Navarre will not be part of the new Finkbeiner administration. From the story: At an afternoon news conference, Finkbeiner said that he wants Navarre to step down as head of the police department in January when the new administration takes over. He named Captain Jack Lee Smith...

Op-Ed: For The Record, It's Not About Guns

December 1, 2005 Mensnewsdaily.com It may seem that I write a lot about guns. This isn't about guns. The complaint liberty enthusiasts such as myself have with officials is not about guns per se, it’s about our governance. Specifically our self-governance. Defiance of the rule of law as so many are showing these days should be of interest to every citizen. And liberty enthusiasts have no...

Large crowd attends Capital University forum with Dr. John Lott

By Linda Walker On Wednesday night, seven members of Buckeye Firearms Columbus group disarmed and made their way to Capital University during "Gun Week" to hear a forum by John Lott, the author of "The Bias Against Guns". The event was put on by the Capital College Republicans, who invited us to join them. We arrived and settled into our seats with more than 120 college students and listened...

Gallup Poll: Guns in 4 of 10 homes; women more likely to use guns for protection

A recent Gallup Poll entitled "Gun Ownership and Use in America" shows that 4 in 10 Americans report having a gun in their homes, that most gun owners say they use their guns to protect themselves against crime, for hunting, and for target shooting. What may come as surprise to sexist anti-gun extremists is that the poll's findings also found that women more likely than men to use guns for...

Associated Press: GOP hoping to avoid 3-way race

The Associated Press is reporting that political analysts believe the narrowing field of Democrat gubernatorial candidates, and the preeminence of Democrat Ted Strickland (a conservative on social issues such as gun rights) is going to bring additional pressure upon the GOP to narrowing their "three-candidate" field for governor now that the Democrats have a front-runner (the AP and OhioGOP...

Anti-gun, trash-talking Democrats consider opposing Strickland in primary

The Akron Beacon Journal is reporting that the field of Democrats interested in running for governor is expected to widen now that Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman has dropped out, leaving pro-gun U.S. Rep Ted Strickland as the primary contender. According to the newspaper, anti-gun extremist State Sen. Eric Fingerhut of Shaker Heights and trashy TV show host Jerry Springer both are considering a...


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