Lesson: Train before you pack a gun

Across Ohio, thousands of men and women are eager to be armed Youngstown Vindicator March 28, 2004 by Patricia Meade BOARDMAN — "Hold up your trigger finger, look at it and tell yourself: This is my gun's safety." Firearms instructor Bob Magnuson's words echoed in my head as I stood in front of the bedroom mirror and practiced drawing my .357-caliber Magnum Ruger from its brand-new holster. The...

Another day, another advocation of law-breaking by gun ban extremists

For 150 years, Ohio law has disarmed defenseless citizens and protected criminals from the possibility of encountering an armed victim. During that time, pro-gun groups never advocated breaking the law. Rather, Ohioans For Concealed Carry, the Second Amendment Foundation, The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and the National Rifle Association fought for reform - in the Ohio...

Letter to OFCC: ''Do not patronize Super America''

The following was submitted to www.ohioccw.org by an Ohio law enforcement officer and OFCC supporter. Super America gas station 5984 Sawmill Rd in Columbus has posted a sign prohibiting firearms. Below is my letter to the store manager.... Store Manager Super America 5984 Sawmill Rd. Columbus, OH 43017 I am a regular patron of your store, buying gasoline there at least once a week. When I entered...

Akron newsies at it again: Why can't they save it for the editorial page?

From the headline to the last line, there is no doubt that the Akron Beacon-Journal has used more "news" space to foster their anti-gun editorial opinion. Surely journalists at this newspaper were taught to get quotes from BOTH sides in preparing a story, or to make sure the "expert" doesn't have a strong bias. This writer did neither. Please note that this news writer was unable to find a single...

Tallmadge businesses advised to post discriminatory signs

The following was submitted to www.ohioccw.org by an OFCC supporter. I was at Henry Bierce Co. in Tallmadge - they are a building supply store. I noticed they had a ''NO GUNS'' sign. I had some ''No GUNS-No MONEY'' cards in my wallet, so I gave one to the very nice lady in the office. She indicated that some organization in Tallmadge has told merchants that they ''should'' post the signs. She...

Florida: $5 million fine proposed for listing of gun owners

Floridians have more than 17 years of successful experience with their concealed carry law. Looks as though they've figured out that it is law-abiding license-holders who deserve to be protected - something we must not allow the Ohio media to take 17 years to discover for themselves. March 25, 2004 Palm Beach Post TALLAHASSEE -- Squeezed between the cop on the beat and the powerful National Rifle...

Interest in gun permits soaring

What is it about journalists that insist on using phrases like "pack heat" in writing their stories? Few if any persons who apply for licenses would ever be caught referring to this serious responsibility so flippantly. March 27. 2004 Cincinnati Post A lot of people in Hamilton County apparently want to pack heat. Even though a new law that allows Ohioans to carry concealed weapons doesn't go...

Discount Drug Mart: There will be no corporate policy on signs

On Tuesday, March 23, Ohioans For Concealed Carry began receiving reports that Discount Drug Mart, an Ohio-owned and operated discount chain in northeast Ohio, had begun posting discriminatory signs against CHL-holders . As will be our policy for all future sightings, we quickly brought this matter to our members' and supporters' attention, along with information on a shopping alternative, since...


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