Blade: Toledo's violent crime rate on the rise

City officials and the Toledo media are busy touting the fact that a computer glitch falsely indicated Toledo's overall crime rate in 2002 rose by 2%, when in fact it dropped by 1%. The nature of the malfunction caused by some double-counting. But they're certainly not headlining the real story: despite a ban on inexpensive handguns in the city, and despite city-funded gun "buyback" programs (...

Gun control extremist: Shoot the messenger

In a Washington Times article discussing the notion that gun-control has become a loosing argument for Democrat politicians, anti-self-defense extremists had this to say about the Democrat's unwillingness to focus on passing more gun control laws: "Whoever is advising them on gun control should be shot." -- Blaine Rummel, spokesman for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence Uh, is it just us, or is...

Dispatch: Householder aims at run for governor down the road

In just six years as a House member, Larry Householder has fashioned himself into perhaps the most dominating politician on Capitol Square, filling the power vacuum created by a governor who has been reluctant to lead. The speaker of the Ohio House won't run for governor in 2006, but he plans to be ready in 2010 if a Republican isn't occupying the office, or in 2014, when, at age 54, he'll still...

State budget battles and HB12

The Ohio General Assembly's struggle to cover a gap between state spending and tax revenue is nearing an end for this fiscal year. The issue worked to delay HB12 slightly in the House earlier this year, and it looks to be having a similar effect in the Senate. No meetings are scheduled on HB12 this week, as Senators and staffs are largely focused on finalizing a budget bill. UPDATE! The Senate...

Letter to the Editor: Concealed carry can aid public safety

The Toledo Blade has printed an excellent letter to the editor addressing the exploitation of the CWRU shooting by anti-self-defense extremists . Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. 5/29/03 To the Editor: It was inevitable that insensitive anti-gunners would try to capitalize on the unfortunate shooting at Case Western Reserve University to attempt to derail Ohio’s passage of "...

Letter to Senators from pro-HB12 police officer

An Ohio police officer and former Marine has copied us on a letter he submitted to the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice. In the letter, Officer Douglas debunks any notion that Ohioans may exercise their constitutional right to self-defense by carrying a firearm "openly", by informing Senators that he was trained in police academy to charge persons doing so with disorderly conduct or inciting...

Canton Repository: Movie-goers a target for car thieves

Ken Samblanet took his son, Dustin, to see a movie in an attempt to cheer him up. But when “Matrix Reloaded” ended, the father and son stepped out into Tinseltown Theatre’s parking lot only to notice something was missing. Dustin’s truck. Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. The Samblanets aren’t the only movie-goers finding themselves the prey of vandals and thieves, police say...

Cincy Post: Violent crime up 37.1% in Cincinnati

Although touting progress in certain police districts, Cincinnati city council admits that Cincinnati's violent crime rate so far this year is up 37.1 percent compared to the same period in 2000. In the first 5 months of this year, the violent crime rate has increased by about 12 percent in two of Cincinnati's five police districts: District 2, which includes Evanston, Walnut Hills and...


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