Marietta Times: House set to approve HB12

Dismissing arguments that more guns will lead to more crime and shootings, the Ohio House of Representatives is set to approve legislation that would allow people to carry concealed weapons. If the bill passes both the House and Senate, the legislation would allow Ohioans to apply for permits to carry concealed weapons, which is generating debate around the state. As long as Ohio Highway Patrol...

Letter to the Editor: Concealed carry should not be banned in vehicles

The Zanesville Times-Recorder has printed a letter to the editor by OFCC PAC vice chairman Chad Baus, which addresses the Ohio Highway Patrol's opposition to self-defense in a vehicle. The letter can be viewed on the Times Recorder website , or by clicking on the "Read More..." link below. House Bill 12, a concealed carry law reform bill, will soon be passed by the Ohio House, and will be...

Canton Repository: It is time for Ohio to approve concealed carry

The Canton Repository has printed a pro-CCW column in their Monday March 10 edition. The entire column is provided here: "It looks like the Ohio House of Representatives will pass a bill to allow residents to carry hidden guns. It is about time both houses pass the bill and the governor signs it. Even the namby-pamby liberals in New York have such a law, as does every state surrounding Ohio. Last...

Letter to the Editor: ''Funny, concealed guns haven't hurt next door''

A short and to-the-point letter to the editor was published in today's Cincinnati Enquirer, in response to the recent letter by Million Mom'er Lori O'Neill , demanding that Ohio businesses remain victim zones: "The letter writer Lori O'Neill, president of Million Mom March Greater Cleveland Chapter ('Concealed weapons bill invites hostile society,' March 3) mentions that 'every industry will be...

Plain Dealer: Concealed-handgun bill clears House panel despite its costs

The Cleveland Plain Dealer has come up with a new angle to push their opposition to concealed carry reform: it's supposed cost. According to the PD, "Concealed-handgun legislation that cleared a House committee yesterday would cost Ohio taxpayers nearly $5 million over the next two years - and up to $5.7 million annually by 2007. About $1 million a year would be offset by fees charged by the...

Sponsor: Senate should worry about Constitution, not worry about a veto

Last year, the House approved the bill after 17 hearings and nine months of debate. Then the Senate waited until after the Nov. 5 election to act on it, finally passing its version in December just before adjourning for the session. The result was a bill with changes that the House would not accept and the bill died when the session ended at year's end. Sponsoring Rep. Jim Aslanides doesn't want...

HB12 PASSES Committee, heads to Floor for vote

The Ohio House Criminal Justice Committee held opponent and interested party testimony today in room 116. Ohioans For Concealed Carry's membership chairman Jim Murray has been in Columbus since the hearings began at 9:00 a.m. House Bill 12 (with amendments discussed by clicking "Read More...") PASSED out of the committee late Wednesday afternoon and will move to the House Floor for a vote,...


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