Rep. Aslanides (R-94) Introduces HB12 - Concealed Carry Licensure

Rep. Jim Aslanides, a Republican from Coshocton, introduced HB12 on Tuesday, along with 55 bipartisan co-sponsors, that would allow citizens to carry concealed weapons. "It's substantially similar to what the House passed in March," said Aslanides. "The changes are minor and were meant to make the bill a little bit better." House Speaker Larry Householder said Tuesday that he expected the House...

Brookings Institution tries to revive poorly researched CCW/Crime study

The Brookings Institution , a liberal research group based in Washington D.C., is attempting to revive interest in a flawed study on the effects of CCW on crime , entitled "Shooting Down the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis", by John J. Donohue III. Donohue first issued his report in October of last year, but it received little attention. John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime , evaluated and...

Nationally renowned police chief suggests arms can keep businesses safe

About two dozen frustrated James Island business owners met with Charleston (SC) Police Chief Reuben Greenberg, several Charleston police officers and Charleston County sheriff's deputies, to discuss protection against a rash of robberies and burglaries along a stretch of Folly Road. Greenberg told them that robberies, burglaries and rapes are a fact of life for communities across the country. "...

Sanford (NC) church congregation robbed at gunpoint; one man shot

Herein lies the problem with the creation of "victim zones" in Ohio, where persons are prohibited from exercising their right to carry: "Two Sanford men are being held in the Lee County Jail on $100,000 bond each, accused of entering a church service Wednesday night, shooting a parishioner and robbing several others. Witnesses said they were conducting service when two African-American males...

Quid Pro Quo?: Taft sends cash & promotions to Ohio State Patrol

OFCC supporter Ed, has been making some rather keen observations on actions Bob Taft has taken to reward the Ohio State Patrol in the weeks following its adamant opposition to HB274: • "Col. Kenneth Morckel (Superintendent of OSP) was appointed by the governor to be the next Director of the Dept. of Public Safety." • The Governor's various proposed tax increases includes a proposed a 2 cent per...

Cincinnati Post Editorial: Money Before Safety

The Cincinnati Post has published an editorial, entitled "Putting First Things First", in which they voice their approval of reports that the concealed carry debate has been put on the back burner. Their reasoning? Legislators need not have the emotional debate on their hands while trying to fix Ohio's budget woes. We've prepared a few thoughts for you to consider as you read the piece: 1) Are...

Letter to the Editor: "Gun-carrying legislation could help cut crime"

A pro-CCW reform letter to the editor was printed in the Thursday, January 23 edition of the Canton Repository . An excerpt is reprinted here: I don’t agree with the State Highway Patrol’s opposing the Ohio Senate gun-carrying legislation (“Ohio Senate approves gun-carrying legislation,” Dec. 7). Law abiding citizens, like myself, who want to be prepared and are not planning on hurting a police...

Tale of Two Cities: Rapist in Columbus? Call for help; Baton Rouge? Get a gun!

For more than a decade, a rapist has prowled the Linden area, attacking women in their beds at night. His attacks have been so sporadic -- he takes a breather for months and even years between assaults -- that many Linden residents thought the suspect had been caught. Last night, Columbus police held a meeting to warn Linden residents that the rapist remains at large, on the prowl and he's...


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