Dems adopt platform with 'radical gun control agenda'

While the 2020 Democratic National Committee Platform adopted [last] week does not include controversial Medicare for All and the Green New Deal programs, it does go hard on the gun industry and lawful gun owners. The official DNC platform, the Party's virtual convention, dedicates a section of its 80-pages to "Ending the Epidemic of Gun Violence." As outlined in the document,...

FLASH: Ohio Supreme Court allows Madison schools to arm staff while appeal pending

The Ohio Supreme Court has voted to allow Madison schools to arm school staff when students return, even as they prepare to hear an appeal of a lower court ruling against the practice. Current state law allows school boards to make decisions about the security in their schools. However, a lawsuit involving Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety sought to prevent Madison Local School District...

AG's office investigation shines light of success on Ohio’s concealed-carry background check system

In early August, Attorney General Dave Yost issued a report on a study his office conducted "to ensure that Ohio continues its 16-year record of carrying safely and responsibly." Given his office’s role in the checks and balances of the state’s system for issuing concealed-handgun licenses (CHLs), the attorney general last year ordered a review of the process, seeking to ensure that such licenses...

Madison Local School District Seeks Ability To Arm Staff As Students Return To School

Now that the Ohio Supreme Court has agreed to review whether a southwest Ohio school district's plan to allow certain employees to carry concealed weapons complies with state law, the district has asked the Court to block a lower court's ruling so certain employees can carry firearms when in-person classes resume. From the Gongwer News Service : The motion from Butler County's Madison Local...

Urge Ohio legislators to fix the Concealed Handgun License expiration problem

When the state of Ohio "shut down" due to the COVID-19 virus, many sheriff offices shut down as well and stopped processing Concealed Handgun Licences (CHLs). Within a few weeks, most were open again, but with limited hours or other restrictions. On top of this, demand for license applications and renewals spiked, overwhelming many offices and causing long wait times. A recent survey shows that...

Opposition to “STRONG Ohio” Remains Strong

The recent one-year anniversary of the murders that took place in Dayton’s Oregon District prompted a slew of reports from various media about the status of the many anti-gun bills that were introduced in the wake of the tragedy. Chief among those bills is Senate Bill 221 , Governor Mike DeWine’s STRONG Ohio bill, which is sponsored by Chagrin Falls Senator Matt Dolan. As a candidate for Governor...

Spring Valley Archery and Shotgun Range Reopening

The Class C shotgun range and Class D archery ranges at Spring Valley Wildlife Area are reopening to the public on Saturday, Aug. 22, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. These shooting ranges were initially closed for repairs and enhancements during the construction of a new Outdoor Education Center at Spring Valley Wildlife Area. The Class A range (...

Survey Shows Ongoing Problems with Ohio CHL Renewals

About 700,000 Ohioans have a Concealed Handgun License (CHL). Under normal circumstances, sheriffs have little problem processing applications and renewals in a timely fashion. However, beginning in March 2020, that changed. First, health concerns about coronavirus caused a dozen Ohio Sheriff offices to shut down . Within a few weeks, most reopened, but the closures caused a backlog of license...


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