Mexico Demands Explanation for Obama-era Gun-walking Scandal

Nearly a decade has passed since the public first learned of the botched Obama-era gunwalking scandal Operation Fast and Furious. These days, Barack Obama spends his time collecting money from a lucrative Netflix contract, shuffling between lavish homes in Washington, D.C. and on Martha's Vineyard, and occasionally offering his tepid support for presumptive democratic presidential nominee Joe...

How does one safely intervene when cops are mistreating a prisoner?

I had a friend send me a message yesterday. He wanted to know how a bystander might intervene in a situation like what happened in Minneapolis. My friend told me he didn’t want to stand around “watching a murder.” How does one safely intervene when cops are mistreating a prisoner? Violent action won’t help. You will be arrested and likely beaten or killed as well. If you physically attack the cop...

Surviving Riots and Political Demonstrations

*This is an excerpt from the chapter “Surviving Third World Riots and Political Demonstrations” from my book Choose Adventure. With the riots we’ve seen over the last couple days, and calls for more rioting this weekend, the information will be useful for you. As our country descends into chaos, the advice from a third-world safety book might become necessary to survive our daily activities. -...

“Peace Officers” vs. “Law Enforcement Officers”

Last week, I became involved in a discussion about the term “law enforcement officer.” That’s what many cops are calling themselves these days. The words sound almost professional. The problem isn’t really with the term itself; it’s when officers embrace the idea that their sole occupational mission is to find and arrest as many law breakers as they can. If only things were that simple. Our true...

HB 425 to Remove Duty to Notify Advances Out of Committee

At a brief hearing of the House Federalism Committee on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, House Bill 425 passed on a 7-2 vote. The bill now advances to a possible floor vote in the House of Representatives. House Bill 425 , as amended and passed, would remove the duty of a Concealed Handgun License holder to notify a law enforcement officer that he/she is carrying a handgun unless specifically asked by...

Gun Control Costs Lives in Ohio

Reposted with permission. The original article is here . In Ohio, about one out of 18 citizens have a permit to carry a concealed firearm in public. That says quite a lot since a noticeable number of Ohio citizens are not eligible for a permit. Those statistics also hide a terrible truth. The concealed carry laws in Ohio disarmed over a million eligible adults. The results are exactly what you’d...

Minneapolis police stand-down highlights why private gun ownership is important

As turmoil continued over the weekend in Minnesota and across the country, our friends at made an extremely important observation about the importance of the Second Amendment. From the article : As rioting rampages through the Twin Cities in Minnesota, black store owners have had to themselves protect their stores. Some have tried with their bare hands, while others have used...

ACTION ALERT: Urge Committee Members to Pass "Duty to Notify" Bill (HB 425)

State Representative John Becker, chairman of the House Federalism Committee, announced that the committee would likely vote on House Bill 425 , which addresses flaws in Ohio’s requirement that Concealed Handgun License holders “promptly” inform a law enforcement officer that they are carrying a concealed firearm. The lack of clarity of exactly when a person must notify a police officer and how...


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