SB 237 (Remove Duty to Retreat) to receive first hearing in Senate committee

Senator William Coley (R-4), who chairs the Government Oversight and Reform Committee, has announced that sponsor testimony will be heard on Sen. Terry Johnson's (R) SB 237, recently introduced in the Ohio Senate. The hearing will be held on Wednesday, November 20 at 1:30 p.m. in the North Hearing Room. SB 237 REMOVE DUTY TO RETREAT (JOHNSON, T.) To enact the Ohio Duty to Retreat Act to modify...

Violent Crime Dropped in 2018

The FBI released the 2018 “Crime in the United States” report [last month], which compiles crime data from law enforcement agencies around the country. The news is good, and the positive data proved easy to consume: “[In 2018] violent crime offenses decreased when compared with estimates from 2017. Robbery offenses fell 12.0 percent, murder and no negligent manslaughter offenses fell 6.2 percent...

Legal Analysis of Governor DeWine's SB 221 STRONG Ohio Bill

In early August, 2019, after the mass murders in Dayton, Governor Mike DeWine announced a 17-point plan to address violence, which is a key element of his “STRONG Ohio” initiative. The plan was introduced as SB 221 , sponsored by Matt Dolan (R-Chagrin Falls). Administration officials said the goal was to do something different from what others have attempted and carefully research what works and...

Veteran Criticizes Police Practices, Gets Guns and Firearm License Seized by Chief of Police

Watch what you say about local officialdom in Tisbury, Mass., or you may find Police Chief Mark Saloio knocking at your door to revoke your Second Amendment rights. That’s the harsh lesson 84-year-old Stephen Nichols learned last month when he was overheard criticizing one of Saloio’s employees for leaving his post as a school resource officer to drink coffee at a local convenience store during...

Sen. Terry Johnson Introduces Bill to Eliminate Duty to Retreat

SB 237 has been introduced by Senator Terry Johnson (R). The bill would eliminate the "duty to retreat" for victims of violent crime. Johnson said, "Self-defense is a basic, natural human right. If a law abiding citizen is in mortal peril at the hands of an assailant, in addition to meeting the other criteria still required to prove self-defense, that victim should not have to bear the further...

Federal Court Entertains Bizarre Legal Theories That Threaten Gun Owners, Rule of Law

Frustrated by the lack of political progress on the gun control agenda, the legal wing of the anti-gun movement continues to pursue ever-more radical and confused legal strategies. In the 1990s, trial lawyers and their allies in government sought to bankrupt the gun industry by holding them accountable for the criminal actions of third parties – a theory that would have overturned hundreds of...

SB 221 to receive second hearing

Senator William Coley (R-4), who chairs the Government Oversight and Reform Committee, has announced that proponent testimony will be heard on Rep. Matt Dolan (R) and Gov. Mike DeWine's (R) SB 221. The hearing will be held on Wednesday, November 13 at 4:00 p.m. in the North Hearing Room. SB 221 SAFETY PROTECTION ORDERS / SELLER PROTECTION CERTIFICATES (DOLAN, M.) To provide for the issuance in...

Number of Concealed Carry Permit Holders Increased Again

[In October], economist John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center released “ Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2019 ,” his annual report on the number of concealed carry permit holders in the U.S. We’ll let Lott’s summary deliver the key finding: “In 2019, the number of concealed handgun permits soared to now over 18.66 million – a 304% increase since 2007. About an...


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