Cincinnati woman uses gun to defend self and five children when ex-boyfriend invades home

WCPO (ABC Cincinnati) reported recently that a Cincinnati woman was able to use a firearm to defend herself from a violent home invasion carried out by an ex-boyfriend. From the article : The shooting happened at about 4:30 a.m. at Ring Place. Dante Ruff is accused of breaking into the woman’s home through a front window. She shot him in the abdomen, Sgt. Andrew Fusselman said. First responders...

HB 178 (Constitutional Carry, Concealed Weapons License & Remove Duty to Notify) scheduled for 7th hearing, possible vote

Representative John Becker (R-Union Twp, Clermont Co.), who chairs the House Federalism Committee, has announced a seventh hearing for House Bill 178 (Constitutional Carry, Concealed Weapons License & Remove Duty to Notify) on Wednesday, June 19 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 121. The chair has indicated that amendments may be offered, and that the bill may be given a vote either at this hearing, or on...

The Media and their Lies: An NRA Board Member's Perspective

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” - First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. As a Constitutionalist, I believe our...

Training Scars

Training scars...we all have them. I’m not talking about training scars like the black eye you get when your partner goes a little too hard while sparring or the scars you get when you cut your finger trying to quickly open your fighting knife. The training scars I’m talking about are the unintentional bad habits you have acquired during the course of your training. All training, no matter how...

Astroturf gun control group in Ohio pushing for "universal" background check ballot initiative

Ohio news media are gushing this week over a so-called "grassroots" gun control group in Ohio - a group which is promoting a "universal" background checks ballot initiative. From the Columbus Dispatch : Ohio voters might have the opportunity to decide whether to require background checks for gun purchases at the same time they vote for president in the 2020 election. Ohioans for Gun Safety...

Secretary Bernhardt Proposes Increasing Public Access to Hunting and Fishing on 1.4 Million Acres Nationwide

Proposal Includes New Opportunities at 74 National Wildlife Refuges and 15 National Fish Hatcheries Oak Harbor, Ohio – Furthering the Trump Administration’s efforts to increase access to public lands, U.S. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt today announced from Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge a proposal for new or expanded hunting and fishing opportunities at 74 national wildlife refuges...

N.E. Ohio Concealed Carry Fashion Show to be held June 21

Gun owner turned 2A activist Amanda Suffecool knows the best hope for protecting firearms over the long haul is getting women into the action. She does this through producing Concealed Carry Fashion Shows including one in Kent, Ohio on June 21st. These shows are designed to attract this growing demographic. When former President B. Obama sealed the Democratic nomination in 2008, Amanda Suffecool...

Anti-gun Democrats Press for Publicly Funded Gun Control Advocacy

On Wednesday, March 6, the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations held a hearing supposedly geared toward “Addressing the Public Health Emergency of Gun Violence.” That hyperbolic title, however, betrayed the real agenda of the event, which was to create the false impression that an...


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