Hanging together, or hanging separately

The past few months have been trying for gun owners. 17 people were slaughtered in Parkland, Florida in a “gun free” zone. The police and school didn't make “mistakes” in not stopping the crime before it happened, they made a conscious choice to participate in the PROMISE program so that the killer would not be charged/convicted for previous crimes. (It might hurt someone’s feelings or...

HB 228 (Fix Burden of Proof/ Concealed Carry Modernization) passed out of committee with 7-3 vote

HB 228, sponsored by Terry Johnson (R) and Sarah LaTourette (R), passed out of the House Federalism and Interstate Relations Committee on Tuesday afternoon. The vote was 7-3 along a straight party-line vote. [Editor's Note: the vote count was originally reported here as 7-4. However, one democrat was absent. We regret the error.] We thank Chairwoman Kristina Roegner (R) and all the committee...

Case Study: Whose ideas worked to stop the Santa Fe High killer - gun control extremists' or gun rights advocates'?

In the wake of the Valentine's Day school shooting in Parkland, Florida, gun ban extremists claimed that we could stop this from ever happening again if only we would strip 18-20 year olds of their Constitutional rights, and if only we would ban modern sporting rifles and bump stocks, and if only we would pass so-called "red flags" rules to take away certain citizens' Second Amendment rights...

HB 228 (Fix Burden of Proof/ Concealed Carry Modernization) scheduled for seventh hearing, possible vote

Representative Kristina Roegner (R-Hudson), who chairs the House Committee on Federalism and Interstate Relations, has announced a seventh hearing for Sub. House Bill 228 (Fix Burden of Proof/ Concealed Carry Modernization) on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. in Statehouse Room 115. The Chair has scheduled the bill for a possible vote. The bill, introduced one year ago by Representatives Terry...

A tale of two Waffle Houses

On April 22, the nation watched as yet another mass shooting unfolded. At 3:25 a.m., a man, naked from the waist down, fatally shot two people outside an Antioch, TN Waffle House, then walked inside and continued to fire, killing a third person and fatally injuring a fourth person. Four others were also treated for injuries. The national media rightfully praised the actions of an unarmed man in...

N.Y. Civil Rights Activists Take Aim at the FBI Before the Nation's Highest Court

Webster, NY – Civil rights attorney Paloma A. Capanna announced the filing of a Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the United States Supreme Court in the case of Robinson, et al. v. Sessions, et al . The Petition requests permission to appeal to the nation’s high court, a privilege granted to approximately 80 cases per term (year). The case of Robinson v. Sessions concerns the civil rights of...

Keep Calm and Carry On: Pro-Gun Sentiment Reasserts Itself in Wake of Antigun Blitz

Like the long-delayed coming of spring to the Mid-Atlantic, evidence is appearing that Americans are regaining their senses and reverting to an instinctual embrace of freedom after a withering barrage of some the nastiest and most ugly anti-gun campaigning in memory. There is nothing more predictable than the tendency of gun control advocates to exploit tragedy. Yet the post-Parkland media and...

Worthington Gun Owners Score Victory Over Gun Control Resolution

After the Parkland school killings on February 14, 2018, many gun control activists have felt empowered to push for draconian new gun laws. Here in Ohio, we've seen several cities question the "preemption" law ( ORC 9.68 ) that overrides home rule and makes it illegal for cities to pass their own firearm ordinances. Recently a resident of Worthington, Ohio, alerted us to a "resolution" proposed...


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