With ‘Firearm’ Offenses up 27-percent, UK Holds National Gun Surrender

Anti-gun advocates like Gun Control Network Chair Gillian Marshall-Andrews tout the United Kingdom’s longstanding firearms restrictions, which include a near total ban on handguns, as the “gold standard” of gun control. In recent years, UK officials have continued to implement new policies that further burden law abiding gun owners. These include surprise inspections of gun owners’ firearm...

ATF Seeks Input on 'Application of the Definition of Machinegun to 'Bump Fire' Stocks and Other Similar Devices'

Following the October mass shooting incident in Las Vegas, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) called for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to review its definition of “machine gun” and whether bump fire stocks should be covered under the definition and related regulations. The Justice Department has announced that it will be reviewing this question. In an...

Military Funding Bill Establishes Mandatory Program to Sell Historic Pistols to the Public

On Tuesday, [December 12] President Trump signed into law H.R. 2810, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (NDAA). Included in the law is a provision long sought by collectors of vintage firearms and militaria that would require military surplus M1911/M1911A1 pistols (1911s) to be made available for sale to the American public. The military currently has some 100,000 excess...

Pro-Gun Women Threatened With Rape and Attacks on Children

In interviews with the Washington Free Beacon , four prominent pro-gun women detailed the deluge of vitriol and attempted intimidation they face. Each shared their own experience with death and rape threats as well as threats and hatred directed at their children. Each explained how they'd been forced to involve law enforcement during credible threats to their safety. All the women who spoke to...

2018 – The year ahead

2018 is looking like a year of questions and controversies. It will be a year of conflict and change. Some of those changes will be good, some bad, and some we will probably not know yet as the year draws to a close. We have spent the past year with continuous stories about how fractured and divided the Republican party is under President Trump, yet the year ended with the GOP coming together to...

2017 predictions for progress on gun rights revisited

At the beginning of the year, I made several predictions about how the year would go. At the end of the year I figure it’s fitting to see how I did. Look at what I got right, what I got wrong, and if we can learn from our failures. What I got right I said: One would think that Republicans who tend to be pro-gun would seize this moment and repeal some of the failed gun control laws, but history...

Buckeyefirearms.org: Top 10 News Items of 2017

In 2017 we published approximately 300 news articles, along with other types of content. Over the years, we have published approximately 12,300 articles, covering elections, legislation, and all manner of events and information of interest to Second Amendment supporters. Over 1 million different people visited our website last year, creating over 2.23 million pageviews. Ours is an international...

2017 and Your Gun Rights - The Year in Review

While there is far too much to cover in a single article, we reflect on some of the important events of 2017. January: Calls for national reciprocity law grow louder across the country on the heels of news that officials in the State of Minnesota have decided to no longer accept concealed handgun licenses from Arkansas, Ohio, Oklahoma and Texas is beginning to trickle its way through the...


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