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NRA Tells Conservatives to 'Remember New Orleans'
February 13, 2006

Larger than life images of law enforcement officers confiscating legally-possessed firearms from New Orleans residents, who were accused of no crimes, played on video screens at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.

National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre urged the audience to "Remember New Orleans!"

"We're gonna make New Orleans the worst nightmare the gun ban crowd has ever seen, I promise you that," LaPierre told listeners, many of them NRA members, in a packed banquet hall.

LaPierre listed numerous studies by both government and private researchers, including some who oppose gun ownership, that show no correlation between gun control laws and reductions in violent crime.

"No gun control law anywhere ever had, ever has or ever will have any effect on crime, period," LaPierre argued. "All of this information is readily available to any policy maker who chooses to live in reality. But, still, there's a steady supply of people who just don't get it."

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