Obama's anti-gun Attorney General makes it official: Gun bans are coming
- President-elect Barack Obama, just weeks before his inauguration.
By Chad D. Baus
Attorney General Eric Holder has just confirmed what pro-gun activists warned of before Election Day - the Obama administration is going to try to ban your guns.
According to ABC News.com, the Obama administration plans to launch its anti-gun agenda by seeking to reinstate the Clinton administration's ban on tactical rifles and other semi-automatic firearms, which expired in 2004.
From the story:
"It's something, as I said, that the president talked about during the campaign," he said. "There are obviously a number of things that are -- that have been taking up a substantial amount of his time, and so, I'm not sure exactly what the sequencing will be."
According to the story, Holder declined to offer any time frame for the reimplementation of the gun ban.
The Clinton Gun Ban, which was signed into law in 1994, banned 19 types of semi-automatic guns with military-style cosmetic features, and ammunition clips with more than 10 rounds.
There was never any need for the ban. The NRA-ILA's ClintonGunBan.com notes that a study of the ban mandated by Congress concluded, "the banned guns were never used in more than a modest fraction of all gun murders" before the ban, and the ban's 10-round limit on new magazines wasn't a factor in multiple-victim or multiple-wound crimes. A follow-up study found "gunshot injury incidents involving pistols [many of which use magazines that hold more than 10 rounds] were less likely to produce a death than those involving revolvers [which typically hold five or six rounds]" and "the average number of wounds for pistol victims was actually lower than that for revolver victims."
Before the Ban was allowed to expire in 2004, the anti-gun Centers for Disease Control and Prevention appointed a group of scientists to conduct a review, which could be used to bolster calls for the ban's renewal.
According to an Associated Press story published at the time, the task force reviewed 51 published studies about the effectiveness of eight types of gun-control laws. The laws included bans on specific firearms or ammunition, measures barring felons from buying guns, and mandatory waiting periods and firearm registration. In every case, a CDC task force found "insufficient evidence to determine effectiveness."
Yet despite the all the evidence that these bans do not work to cut crime, Barack Obama is about to seek once again to ban a long list of rifles used by hunters, sportsmen, and homeowners concerned about self-defense.
In a brief interview with ABC News, Wayne LaPierre, president of the National Rifle Association, said, "I think there are a lot of Democrats on Capitol Hill cringing at Eric Holder's comments right now."
"A semi-automatic is a quintessential self-defense firearm owned by American citizens in this country," LaPierre said. "I think it is clearly covered under Heller and it's clearly, I think, protected by the Constitution."
Again, from ABC News:
During his confirmation hearing, Holder told the Senate Judiciary Committee about other gun control measures the Obama administration may consider.
"I think closing the gun show loophole, the banning of cop-killer bullets and I also think that making the assault weapons ban permanent, would be something that would be permitted under Heller," Holder said, referring to the Supreme Court ruling in Washington, D.C. v. Heller, which asserted the Second Amendment as an individual's right to own a weapon.
The Obama administration recently anounced that it would be going back on its word to hunters as well. Despite assurances from faux gun group known as American Hunters and Shooters Association that Obama was no threat to hunters, the newly installed Administration has already made a decision that negatively impacts hunters and conservation funding for polar bears.
From a U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance press release:
In the first significant decision by the new Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) said that it will continue banning the import of polar bear trophies from Canada. The announcement was made of February 24, 2009.
Last year, polar bears were listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The designation came as a result of a lawsuit threat by environmental organizations that claimed polar bear numbers will decline. Biologists of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said such a decline might be as far away as fifty years because of possible global warming and shrinking arctic ice.
The USSA has consistently argued against the designation. It does nothing to deal with the alleged cause of possible future decline. Additionally, the USSA has made clear that by banning the importation of trophies, conservation dollars generated from applicable fees will dry up.
There is little doubt that Obama's Gun Ban will seek to go much farther than Clinton's. In fact, the Democrats have already tipped their hand on a proposed gun ban list.
We warned you of this. And now it's official.
This is NOT just a national concern. This will be a battle that we will fight here in Ohio as well. The gun-grabbers have waited for this moment for years. And we need to be ready.
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The question is not whether you can afford to help. The question is ... can you afford not to? How much is your liberty and freedom worth?
Obama and his cohorts want to bring back gun bans, sue gun manufacturers out of existence, and erase 20 years of progress for gun rights. We MUST stop them.
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FLASHBACK: There is perhaps no better illustration of the attitude of the Obama/Biden administration toward gun owners than this video of Vice President Biden during last year's campaign, when he suggests that a man who asked if the Democrat candidates would commit to protecting his right to own a tactical rifle should have his head examined...
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