ODNR Offers Special Deer Hunts on Four State Nature Preserves

COLUMBUS, OH - In an effort to control deer populations affecting native plant communities, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) will coordinate special deer hunts at four state nature preserves across the state.

High quality habitats at several state nature preserves have been negatively impacted by over-browsing deer. One example is Ohio's state wildflower, the large-flowered trillium, which was once commonly seen but now has nearly disappeared from many sites because of foraging deer. Evidence also suggests that increased browsing by deer may actually promote the spread of garlic mustard, a non-native invasive plant that also displaces our native wildflowers.

Application for the hunts this year will be handled locally by individual preserve managers. Hunters must attend individual meetings if they are interested in particular hunts. At that time, hunters can enter the drawing by purchasing a single ticket at a price of $20.

Other requirements include:

  • Hunters must possess a valid 2014-15 hunting license in order to purchase tickets.
  • Names will be randomly drawn, and those selected will be assigned a specific time to hunt. An orientation will be conducted immediately following the drawing.
  • Hunters will be permitted to hunt with a partner, however, the partner is not required to attend the drawing or orientation.
  • Hunters interested in both the Lake Katharine gun and archery hunts will have to purchase separate lottery tickets.
  • These hunts are "doe first" hunts, meaning a buck can be taken only after an antlerless deer is harvested, which helps ensure the deer population is reduced. Special regulations will be addressed at the orientation meetings following the drawings. All ODNR Division of Wildlife rules and regulations will be followed, including bag limits and tagging procedures.

Lake Katharine State Nature Preserve will provide both archery and gun hunting opportunities this year. The Lake Katharine archery hunt will offer hunters two week blocks of time to hunt. For the Lake Katharine gun hunt, hunters will be drawn for one of two two-day hunts - either Dec. 1-2 or Dec. 4-5 - all during the regular statewide gun season.

Hunts at Goll Woods, Lawrence Woods and Seymour Woods will be archery-only hunts. Successful lottery winners of these hunts will be offered two week blocks of time to hunt.

Hunters may apply for hunts at multiple sites, but they must attend the meeting for each hunt in order to enter the drawing. Do not mail entry forms.

Hunt locations and meeting dates are as follows:

  • Lake Katharine State Nature Preserve (Jackson County) - The drawings will be held at the preserve office located at 1703 Katharine Road, Jackson, 45640 on Saturday, Sept. 6, at 9 a.m. Contact Jason Garey at 740-286-2487 or [email protected] to learn more about this opportunity
  • Goll Woods State Nature Preserve (Fulton County) - The archery hunt drawing will be held at the preserve office, located at 26093 County Road F., Archbold, 43502 on Saturday, Sept. 20, at 9 a.m. Contact Ryan Schroeder at 419-445-1775 or [email protected] to learn more about this opportunity
  • Lawrence Woods State Nature Preserve (Hardin County) - The archery hunt drawing will be held at the preserve parking area, located at 13278 County Road 190, Kenton, 43226 on Sunday, Sept. 14, at 1 p.m. Contact Ryan Schroeder at 419-445-1775 or [email protected] to learn more about this opportunity
  • Seymour Woods State Nature Preserve (Delaware County) - The archery hunt drawing will be held at Alum Creek State Park, located at 3615 South Old State Road, Delaware, 43015 on Sunday, Sept. 7, at 9 a.m. Contact Loren Hart at 740-548-4631 or [email protected] to learn more about this opportunity.

ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at ohiodnr.gov.

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