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Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine joins coalition urging passage of National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity

As we reported last November, the ongoing effort to fully vindicate the fundamental, individual right to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense took a major step forward with House passage of H.R. 822, the "National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011." The bill, sponsored by Reps. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) and Heath Shuler (D-N.C.), has 245 cosponsors and was approved in the U.S. House of Representatives by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 272-154.

After passage in the House, the bill was sent to the Senate, where it remains. Since November, the Senate has failed to take any significant action on the bill.

Recently, the Attorneys General of 22 states and the territory of Guam wrote a letter of support for H.R. 822 to Reps. Stearns and Shuler, stating in part, "While some have suggested this legislation would endanger public safety, our experience suggests the opposite. Individuals with concealed carry permits from our states have proven to be more law-abiding than non-licensees, and in many instances have been able to defend themselves and others effectively from criminal attack. Many of our states also have laws recognizing out-of-state permits, and people carrying concealed handguns under those laws have done so without any unusual problems."

The Attorneys General also urged the Senate to take action on the bill.

H.R. 822 would allow any person with a valid state-issued concealed firearm permit to carry a concealed firearm in any state that issues concealed firearm permits, or that does not prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms for lawful purposes. A state's laws governing where concealed firearms may be carried would apply within its borders. The bill applies to D.C., Puerto Rico and U.S. territories. It would not create a federal licensing system; rather, it would require the states to recognize each others' carry permits, just as they recognize drivers' licenses and carry permits held by armored car guards. Rep. Stearns has introduced such legislation since 1995.

To download the letter, which includes the signature of Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, please click here.

State Attorneys General

A Communication from the Chief Legal Officers
of the Following States and Territories:

Alabama * Alaska * Arizona * Arkansas * Georgia * Guam * Idaho * Kansas * Kentucky Louisiana * Maine * Michigan * Mississippi * Missouri * Montana * Nebraska * New Mexico * North Dakota * Ohio * South Dakota * Utah * West Virginia * Wyoming

April 25, 2012

Dear Congressmen Stearns and Shuler:

Thank you for sponsoring H.R. 822 (National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act) in the 112th Congress. As you know, this legislation – which has 245 cosponsors – enhances the right to self-defense by enabling millions of concealed carry license or permit holders to exercise their right to personal protection while traveling outside their home states.

While some have suggested this legislation would endanger public safety, our experience suggests the opposite. Individuals with concealed carry permits from our states have proven to be more law-abiding than non-licensees, and in many instances have been able to defend themselves and others effectively from criminal attack. Many of our states also have laws recognizing out-of-state permits, and people carrying concealed handguns under those laws have done so without any unusual problems. Finally, our law enforcement agencies have been able to authenticate out-of-state permits promptly, when needed.

We are pleased that the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 822 by a 272-154 vote on November 16, 2011 and therefore urge the U.S. Senate to pass it as well.

Dustin McDaniel
Arkansas Attorney General

William J. Schneider
Maine Attorney General

Bill Schuette
Michigan Attorney General

Chris Koster
Missouri Attorney General

Luther Strange
Alabama Attorney General

Michael Geraghty
Alaska Attorney General

Tom Horne
Arizona Attorney General

Sam Olens
Georgia Attorney General

Lenny Rapadas
Guam Attorney General

Lawrence Wasden
Idaho Attorney General

Derek Schmidt
Kansas Attorney General

Jack Conway
Kentucky Attorney General

James "Buddy" Caldwell
Louisiana Attorney General

Jim Hood
Mississippi Attorney General

Steve Bullock
Montana Attorney General

Jon Bruning
Nebraska Attorney General

Gary King
New Mexico Attorney General

Wayne Stenehjem
North Dakota Attorney General

Mike Dewine
Ohio Attorney General

Marty J. Jackley
South Dakota Attorney General

Mark Shurtleff
Utah Attorney General

Darrell V. McGraw, JR.
West Virginia Attorney General

Greg Phillips
Wyoming Attorney General

© 2012 National Rifle Association of America. Institute for Legislative Action. This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.

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