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Ohio Democrats Putting A Premium On Supreme Court Races

The state's latest monthly campaign finance reports indicate the Ohio Democratic Party is placing a strong emphasis on winning two Ohio Supreme Court seats up for election this year.

The reports say the party bolstered the campaign treasury of Supreme Court candidate Janet Burnside by $65,000 in September.

The party already had given $185,000 to Tim Black, a Hamilton County Municipal Court judge who is running against Republican Lieutenant Governor Maureen O'Connor for the seat to be vacated by Justice Andy Douglas, who is retiring.

Read the full story at the Ohio News Network.

Commentary by Chad D. Baus:

The party which traditionally positions itself as anti-Conceal Carry Reform is pulling out all the stops to ensure that when a CCW law is questioned before the Court, there are plenty of liberals on the Court waiting to legislate from the bench. Your help is needed NOW!

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