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Ohio Gun Collectors Association donates $3000 to Buckeye Firearms Foundation

by Larry S. Moore

The Ohio Gun Collectors Association ( (OGCA) is the largest gun collecting association in the world. They are also second to none in the promotion and protection of our Second Amendment rights. The OGCA recently continued this tradition by presenting checks to the Butler County Sportsmen Club and the Buckeye Firearms Association.

Ohio Gun Collectors Assoc. presents check to BFA
Jim Tekavec, OGCA; Larry Moore & Rick Jones, BFA; Cecil Parker, OGCA

Buckeye Firearms Foundation received a check in appreciation of the Foundation's lawsuit against the City of Cleveland regarding preemption of Ohio's gun laws. (See here and here.)

OGCA also awarded a check to the Butler County Sportsmen Club in recognition of the club's long history and outstanding programs supporting youth shooting opportunities. More information on the Butler County Sportsmen Club and their shooting programs can be found at

Buckeye Firearms has enjoyed a wonderful working relationship with the OCGA. It is productive when organizations are working toward the same goals and cooperating as partners. As OGCA President Cecil Parker noted, "We are all fighting the same battles. It makes sense to work together and help each other."

As an OGCA member and Buckeye Firearms volunteer, I certainly appreciate the OGCA support toward our goals. The lawsuit against the City of Cleveland was a significant victory for Ohio gun owners. That victory has also helped pave the way for the OGCA to return to the IX Center in Cleveland.

The OGCA held a special meeting with their return to the IX Center on October 15 and 16, 2011. It's been many years since the OGCA left Cleveland due to the restrictive gun laws of the city. Now the OGCA members are back and the event was better than ever. The meeting at the IX Center is the only OGCA meeting in northern Ohio this year. Please note that meetings are for OGCA members and their guests only.

I thank the OGCA for their continued support of the shooting sports across Ohio and their diligence in protecting our Second Amendment rights. I hope the meeting at the IX Center was a success!

Outdoor writer and hunter education instructor Larry S. Moore is a long-time volunteer leader for Buckeye Firearms Foundation and winner of the 2005 USSA Patriot Award, the 2007 League of Ohio Sportsmen/Ohio Wildlife Federation Hunter Educator of the Year and the 2010 National Wild Turkey Federation/ Women in the Outdoors Hunter Education Instructor of the Year.

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.