Op-Ed: ‘Gun control’ advocates' arrests highlight irony and hypocrisy
In an incident seen by some as a bit of supreme irony, a local “gun control” proponent has been arrested on two felony charges for bringing a concealed handgun into a New York elementary school, causing “an hours long lockdown,” The Buffalo News reported Friday.
"Dwayne Ferguson ... was a well-known face in the movement for the SAFE Act, the state law that made carrying a gun on school property a felony," the report explains. "He was among local activists who stood with Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples-Stokes last year lobbying for a law that would make possessing a gun on school property a felony. Prior to New York State's adoption of the SAFE Act last year, in response to the Sandy Hook school massacre in Connecticut, it was a long-established state law that guns could not be brought onto school property. The only difference was that the crime carried less punishment as a misdemeanor."
What's telling is the reaction of Ferguson's apologists, offering excuses and justifications. "Associates defend man who had gun in school," the article headline states, adding the subhead "Say he made honest mistake in incident prompting school lockdown."
While the observations of some, coming to the realization that a good person with a gun on school grounds can provide protective benefits, is hopeful, it also seems fair to wonder if the same support would be offered should a gun rights advocate be caught in similar circumstances. That’s because such one-sided support for citizen disarmament proponents running afoul of the law is hardly unique...
Click here to read the entire article at Examiner.com.
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