Op-Ed: As good as their word
May 18, 2006
By Cam Edwards
The line in the sand has been drawn. Either you stand with the 2nd amendment or against it. And this time, there’ll be penalties for infringing on the rights of law abiding Americans.
The National Rifle Association is issuing a challenge to our nation’s mayors and police chiefs: sign a pledge that you will never take the guns from those you serve. The impetus for this is obviously the confiscation of firearms from residents of New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. But there is a growing concern that mayors across the country are becoming the frontline soldiers in the latest fight for more gun control laws.
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Wayne LaPierre, the Executive Vice-President of the NRA, says “When the Second Amendment is only as good as your mayor or your police chief says it is, the NRA must take action.” You can expect that big city mayors like New York’s Michael Bloomberg and Boston’s Thomas Menino will scoff at the NRA’s challenge.
What does it mean if they refuse to sign? Quite frankly, it means you know where they stand: against your 2nd amendment rights. But there will be other mayors who might find it politically expedient to put their name on the pledge, knowing full well they will disregard their promise if and when the time comes.
For those mayors, the NRA has a message: break your word and go to jail...
Click here for the full op-ed from NRANews.com's Cam Edwards.
Commentary by Larry S. Moore
A similar call is resounding from the voices of gun owners and concealed handgun license holders in Ohio. That call is very loud and very simple.
Governor Taft and Bob Bennett must finally live up to the now very old campaign promises to pass concealed carry. Either pass HB 347 reforming vehicle carry so Ohio's CCW law can be a true concealed carry law, and not half a concealed carry and half plain sight law, or face the wrath of disenfranchised voters in November 2006.
Pass HB 347 and reform purse carry for the ladies, or face the wrath of disenfranchised gun owners at the polls in November 2006.
Pass HB 347 so all gun owners, sportsmen, hunters, target shooters in addition to concealed handgun license holders, or face the wrath of disenfranchised gun owners at the polls in November 2006.
Both gubernatorial candidates have spoken in strong support for Second Amendment and self-defense rights. Words are not enough. The Republican leadership in the General Assembly must stand firm on the provisions in HB 347. Bob Bennett must convince his old friend Bob Taft that this bill must be signed.
Without HB 347, Ted Strickland is waiting in the wings and will gladly accept all the disenfranchised Republican gun owners into his tent. Gun owners I know are already saying they are willing to go to Ted even if anti-gun Lee Fisher is the running mate...
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