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Plain Dealer: Concealed-handgun bill clears House panel despite its costs

The Cleveland Plain Dealer has come up with a new angle to push their opposition to concealed carry reform: it's supposed cost.

According to the PD, "Concealed-handgun legislation that cleared a House committee yesterday would cost Ohio taxpayers nearly $5 million over the next two years - and up to $5.7 million annually by 2007.

About $1 million a year would be offset by fees charged by the state to run background checks on Ohioans who applied to carry guns in pockets, purses, gloveboxes and holsters.

Analysts attributed the added costs to the state to more Ohioans going to prison under the bill's toughened penalty for firearm theft."

OFCC PAC Commentary:
Even IF these numbers prove to be accurate, shouldn't the people who oppose concealed carry reform due to safety/gun violence concerns be elated that it might cost as little as $5 million to get these criminals off the street?

To contact the author of this story, PD Reporter Julie Carr-Smyth, email her by clicking here, or call her at 1-800-228-8272.

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